Very complex parts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lcifers, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. lcifers

    lcifers Guest

    I'm wokring on some parts that are extremely processor intensive, and
    was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how I might improve the
    performance of adding features, etc.

    Imagine a screen door, in which it is necessary to model every hole.
    There are thousands of them. If I make an assembly that resembles the
    final part, by mating individual tiny parts together, the performance
    is not bad. But if I get all of these features into a single part,
    it's terrible. Any thoughts?

    lcifers, Apr 23, 2009
  2. lcifers

    lcifers Guest

    Thanks. I've tried some different methods with varying degrees of
    success. One thing I did not mention is that I do not need the final
    model to be parametric. So, at times I have done something like the

    Model a small portion of the array in a part. Bring this part into an
    assembly and pattern it so that it represents a larger portion of the
    final part. Export that as a dumb multibody solid. Open that solid,
    combine bodies, and again export as a dumb solid, this time single
    body. Bring the single body dumb solid into a new assembly and again
    pattern it so that the array continues to grow. Repeat until I have
    the final array.

    In some situations this works, but sometimes the geometry is not
    conducive to this kind of approach, and obviously it's less than
    ideal. However, using this approach I have made parts in a few hours
    that would have taken days if I left everything fully feature-based.
    lcifers, Apr 24, 2009
  3. lcifers

    Ronni Guest

    Do you need all those holes for a visuel effect or is it to be
    exportet to a lazor-cutter or similar?

    If you need it to be cutted, simply just make the sketch on the
    surface, but do not make the cut feature.
    On the drawing you can "show sketches" and if you were to export it
    will still show.
    At least thats how we do it with all our sheet-metal parts which has
    loads of holes (patterns, letters etc.)

    If you want it for the visuel 3D effect for some use? You will have
    some problems.
    The pattern feature is very heavy and dividing it into smaller pieces
    will speed it up some.
    So fx if you made a row of the holes 1 by 1, and then made a pattern
    along one axis for each of them.
    It really comes down to how much time you want to use making each hole
    as a single feature compared to making them all in a pattern.
    There is defo some rebuild/handling time to save... But it will still
    be heavy.
    Ronni, Apr 28, 2009
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