Vertexes in 3dSolid

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Roel Westhoff [W4], Oct 10, 2004.

  1. Hi all,

    I've created a 3DSolid based on the substraction of two other solids.
    I'm trying to create a list of the vertexes and faces of the generated solid.

    Are there any commands available that i can use to do this? Or is there a piece of code availble that i can use as a basis.

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Roel Westhoff [W4], Oct 10, 2004
  2. Roel,

    All you can get is the MassProp stuff...volume
    ect..You also know it's centroid's WCS location. If you
    have a simple solid and know the profile you can
    deduce the points.

    If not explode... grab your data... then delete what you don't

    ARX offers more data if your C++ inclined...

    Hi all,

    I've created a 3DSolid based on the substraction of two other solids.
    I'm trying to create a list of the vertexes and faces of the generated solid.

    Are there any commands available that i can use to do this? Or is there a piece of code availble that i can use as a basis.

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Paul Richardson, Oct 10, 2004
  3. Paul,

    Didn't know that exploding a 3dsolid results in combinations of regions and exploding these regions in curves (lines and arcs). This gives me the information that i could use

    Could you redirect me to the referred arx docs in c++?


    All you can get is the MassProp stuff...volume
    ect..You also know it's centroid's WCS location. If you
    have a simple solid and know the profile you can
    deduce the points.

    If not explode... grab your data... then delete what you don't

    ARX offers more data if your C++ inclined...

    Hi all,

    I've created a 3DSolid based on the substraction of two other solids.
    I'm trying to create a list of the vertexes and faces of the generated solid.

    Are there any commands available that i can use to do this? Or is there a piece of code availble that i can use as a basis.

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Roel Westhoff [W4], Oct 11, 2004
  4. Roel,

    Also check out the bounding box of the solid in VBa

    For ARx check out objectarx group, just as helpful as this group,
    some of the same brains... autodesk.autocad.objectarx

    If you have lots of 3D data to extract there is software(arx apps) out there
    to do it.



    Didn't know that exploding a 3dsolid results in combinations of regions and exploding these regions in curves (lines and arcs). This gives me the information that i could use

    Could you redirect me to the referred arx docs in c++?


    All you can get is the MassProp stuff...volume
    ect..You also know it's centroid's WCS location. If you
    have a simple solid and know the profile you can
    deduce the points.

    If not explode... grab your data... then delete what you don't

    ARX offers more data if your C++ inclined...

    Hi all,

    I've created a 3DSolid based on the substraction of two other solids.
    I'm trying to create a list of the vertexes and faces of the generated solid.

    Are there any commands available that i can use to do this? Or is there a piece of code availble that i can use as a basis.

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Paul Richardson, Oct 11, 2004
  5. Roel Westhoff [W4]

    Dave Guest

    The 3D solids data is encrypted. To get usable data for lisp or VB you must either:
    Decrypt the data
    Link to a COM object done in C++ that returns the data to VB or Lisp


    You must use C++
    Check out the \ObjectArx\utils\brep\samples\brepsamp in the ObjectARX SDK. It is free from Autodesk.

    If there is another way, I am unaware of it.
    David Wishengrad
    President & CTO
    MillLister, Inc.
    Software for BOM, measuring, stretching and controlling visibility of
    multiple 3D solids.

    Also check out the bounding box of the solid in VBa

    For ARx check out objectarx group, just as helpful as this group,
    some of the same brains... autodesk.autocad.objectarx

    If you have lots of 3D data to extract there is software(arx apps) out there
    to do it.



    Didn't know that exploding a 3dsolid results in combinations of regions and exploding these regions in curves (lines and arcs). This gives me the information that i could use

    Could you redirect me to the referred arx docs in c++?


    All you can get is the MassProp stuff...volume
    ect..You also know it's centroid's WCS location. If you
    have a simple solid and know the profile you can
    deduce the points.

    If not explode... grab your data... then delete what you don't

    ARX offers more data if your C++ inclined...

    Hi all,

    I've created a 3DSolid based on the substraction of two other solids.
    I'm trying to create a list of the vertexes and faces of the generated solid.

    Are there any commands available that i can use to do this? Or is there a piece of code availble that i can use as a basis.

    Roel Westhoff
    W4 Software & Consultancy BV
    Weert Netherlands
    Dave, Oct 28, 2004
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