version control using subversion

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by stroller, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. stroller

    stroller Guest

    hi all, i'm working on a new skill based app to integrate subversion
    with virtuoso/composer. i noticed alot of the previous solutions like
    perforce used the GDM (generic data management) interface to ease the
    integration but my salesguy friend at cadence can't find gdm in the
    book anymore. should i be trying to use this?

    also, i'd be interested in hearing from anyone that has tried this
    integration themselves. might be interesting to compare notes.

    stroller, Mar 27, 2006
  2. stroller

    John Gianni Guest

    Data management isn't a tool; it's a religion.

    Having said that, the GDM interface, as far as I remember, isn't
    something you want to work with if you're not a licensed business
    partner with Cadence.

    What Cadence recommends, AFAIR, at least on the Virtuoso (aka DFII)
    tool suite, is you either employ the DM tools provided by Cadence
    (depending on the version of your software) or by Matrix One (formerly

    I'll repeat though, since everyone does DM differently ... DM is more
    about the religion & enforcement of use models than it is about tools.
    My recommendation is to choose an existing DM supplier recommended by
    your Cadence sales and support team and then choose one of the use
    models that DM supplier recommends and supports.

    John Gianni
    -- Nothing stated by me on the USENET is previously vetted by my
    John Gianni, Mar 28, 2006
  3. stroller

    fogh Guest

    At last a hope that I am not alone. It s hard being an atheist sometimes.
    fogh, Mar 28, 2006
  4. stroller

    jbrand Guest

    I looked into this a few years ago. There were three options for data
    management that I found.

    1) Versionsync - already integrated into cadence
    2) ClioSoft
    3) Synchronicity

    The bottom rung was Versionsync which has basic funtionality and the
    top was Synchronicity. Now mind you that this is my opinion.

    We ended up writing skill around versionsync. It ended up being a
    hassle and we eventually killed the idea.

    jbrand, Mar 28, 2006
  5. Not quite sure if not atheism is a kind of religion as it is as filled with
    believers as real religions.

    Biggest problem I see with revision management and actually cadence as such
    is that real concurrent work is not really possible with most of the
    management systems as they do hard locking on the files. Propagation of
    changes throughout a designer community is very often a hassle and you
    cannot just go on and change data because you don't know the implications
    across the entire tree. Cadence as a tool relies on other tools to fix
    something that has been not handled very good within the framework.

    The problem could be solved by using text based storage formats (XML) which
    can be controlled by tools known to work in text based worlds with
    utilities known by many people and free as in speach. But instead of
    keeping things simple and stupid, there are dinosaur solutions with vobs
    and vaults and such scaring the shit out of anybody not having 100+ hours
    of training on the beast.

    My religion is KIFF: Keep it free, finehead
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 29, 2006
  6. stroller

    fogh Guest

    My religion is rather BAFF: be alone and face the fear. Last I heard
    it is has no clergy.

    So far everyone agree that synchronicity is top of the pops. As you
    pointed out, it lacks 2 elementary things:
    - broadcast to users of a module that it's current version has changed
    - allow for diff and merge.

    The latter does not really need XML , a schematic-versus-schematic
    would be already a big step.
    The former is plain lack feature and integration in dfII.

    I d say a well agreed set of cds.lib's and scripts to enforce they are
    sane more useful than any RCS. Some applets that help designers get in
    touch (email owner of this module/lock, show phone number, ...) are
    helping more than X choices on how to check out.
    fogh, Mar 30, 2006
  7. Yeah, let's implement an interface to an instant messaging system. (In my
    environment it must be something windows based because management does not
    understand unix). Then people can decide themselves if they want to listen
    or not. Won't litter up the mailbox either.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Apr 1, 2006
  8. stroller

    fogh Guest

    If you want to cross boundary between unix and windows, you may find
    complications and need system administrators help anyway...
    There is in Samba a way to send winpopup notifications like those
    defined in windows for workgroups. But that already requires that:
    - the unix machine with samba is authenticated in the MS "domain
    controller", and that the samba setup is complete enough for that
    - the windows machines with the users interested can be enumerated. The
    first step of course is that you can map the unix user to MSwindows
    user. There you can make use of NIS or LDAP or SMB/NMB.

    Maybe you can arrange something with GAIM or mozilla or some instant
    messaging system that is easier on the authentication side. I have no
    experience in scripting that kind of application, tho.
    fogh, Apr 3, 2006
  9. We just started using VoIP and there is a connection from the PBX to the
    messenger that comes with windows. Some quite nice features for those who
    bother to use it. I could not impress any colleacues with dinner
    invitations on IM, so I would expect some resistance vs. anything new. On
    the other side, I had an "interesting" discussion on revision control and
    so called public and private workspaces the other day. Looks like most
    Hardware designers enter the trap that cvs manual warns about very early:
    Revision management does not replace the need for team communication.

    I tried to get onto the internal mailinglist for designsync changes of the
    project I work on, but got the message that I would probably not like the
    high traffic that this would cause. I find it fine when design support
    knows up ahead what I want.

    I have to sleep on the idea for some time. I have too many to handle
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Apr 5, 2006
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