veriloga -> loop of rigid brqnches (shorts)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Ben, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I would realise a polarisation stage in veriloga language.
    I need to instantiate 80 similar polarisations stages (PolaStage<79:0>).
    Each stage has the same input current (in) but not the same output
    voltage (out<79:0>).
    So if I have a current source of 80µA, each stage see only 1µA.

    To simplify my problem, I wrote :

    the parser didn't see error but when I start spectre, I have a fatal error :

    The following branches form a loop of rigid branches (shorts) when added
    to the circuit :
    PolaStage_0:in_flow (from in to 0)
    PolaStage_1:in_flow (from in to 0)
    PolaStage_2:in_flow (from in to 0)
    PolaStage_3:in_flow (from in to 0)

    Is it really impossible to write a veriloga close to the schematic in
    this case ??
    Thanks for your help

    Ben, Nov 25, 2005
  2. To avoid re-saying the same thing, I answered this at:;action=display;num=1132929989

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 28, 2005
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