veriloga analog bus sample?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by rachelms79, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. rachelms79

    rachelms79 Guest

    Would anyone have a sample of a veriloga analog bus, eg. to define a
    block to provide DAC inputs d<127:0> for a spectre simulation? I could
    just define 128 input lines in the veriloga, but then in the simulation
    schematic I need to wire up all 128 wires; a single bus would be easier
    in the schematic.

    rachelms79, Dec 13, 2006
  2. rachelms79

    wzhenning Guest

    In composer, you can define a single net to be a bus using the
    following naming format "wire_name<127:0>"
    you can then refer to each single bit by naming a net "wire_name<127>,
    wzhenning, Dec 13, 2006
  3. rachelms79

    DReynolds Guest

    If I understand your question, here is a easy way to always get it
    make a schematic of the cell you want and put just pins in it
    data<127:0>, clk, etc.

    Then do create cellview from cellview and rather than making a symbol,
    select veriloga and the software will make the module for you with all
    the pins defined.

    If your question is in veriloga how doI work with a digital bus, here
    is a small example for a 6 bit:

    parameter real vth =0.9;

    integer pow2[5:0];
    integer i;
    integer code;

    analog begin

    @(initial_step) begin
    for(i =0; i<6; i=i+1) pow2 =pow(2,i);

    // decoding address
    code =0;
    generate i (0, 5, +1) begin
    code = code + ((V(address) > vth) ? pow2 : 0);

    The first part defines powers of 2 (1,2,4,8,etc) and the second part
    tests each bit and updates the integer that represents the bus

    hope this helps

    DReynolds, Dec 15, 2006
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