Verilog XL integration

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tritue, Nov 21, 2003.

  1. tritue

    tritue Guest

    We use IC5.032 with verilog simulation.
    When we start the netlisting process, It will start net netlist than show an
    error message

    VLOGIF [BADTFXF] verilog test fixture file name
    ..path to run directory/testfixture.verilog

    If we create that file manually it will ask for verilog.inp
    And then it fail.

    Some time we can get to the simulation some other time we can not . It
    happen to both version of Candence on Linux and SunOS(Sun machine)

    Any body has this problem before ???
    tritue, Nov 21, 2003
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