Verilog problem: default case to set signal xxxx

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Davy, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. Davy

    Davy Guest

    Hi all,

    I always found people like to add default branch like below:
    ... ...
    [all the possible branch]
    ... ...
    default: signal = 8'bx;

    And my friend told me it's for simulation cause. When branch not hit
    all the possible case, the branch must have something like xxxx. So we
    set signal to xxxx to let xxxx pass go on and help us to find the bug.

    If I set default: signal = 0; the xxxx problem will be hidden and hard
    to find the bug.

    But as we know, there is no xxxx signal in real digital world. So is
    there any better method to solve the problem?

    Best regards,
    Davy, Nov 24, 2006
  2. Davy

    Jon Beniston Guest

    What is the problem with this? It does not matter that this doesn't
    correspond to a real world value. The synthesis tool will see that it
    is a don't care, and hopefully should optimise the logic accordingly,
    giving you the smallest / fastest circuit.

    Jon Beniston, Nov 24, 2006
  3. Davy

    Alex Guest

    In addition to "xxxxx" there may be some other choices.
    1. (simulation debug) Use $display instead of signal assignment, for

    default: $display ($time,"<%m> ERROR: non-speicified branch is

    Synthesis tools drop all $display statements, while simulators report
    about an error in a runtime. It eliminates the need to observe "x" on
    selected signals in the waveform viewer. Also, in some cases "x" may
    propagate to "signal" from the previos logic (such as unitialized
    memory arrays). Use of "$display" will isolate bugs better.

    2. (emulation debug) Create observable error status register, associate
    each one of register's bit with different "case" statements and set
    them to "1" when corresponding default branch is taken:

    default: uncomplete_case_reg[0] <= 1'b1;

    Finally, some synthesis tools (such as Synopsys DC) produce warnings
    for case statements in which not all possible cases are covered. To get
    this reporting, you have to use pragma "// synopsys full case" with the
    case statement.

    Alex, Nov 24, 2006
  4. Davy

    Jon Beniston Guest

    This sort of thing can end up with lots of false positives though, that
    can obscure the real bugs. (i.e. you'll get lots of these printed
    before reset, etc)

    Jon Beniston, Nov 24, 2006
  5. Davy

    Utku Özcan Guest

    I agree with Jon. Most of the comments in this thread are related to
    simulation, but finally we design the circuits with HDL languages to
    synthesize them. Setting x to the default case also lets the synthesis
    tool produce faster/smaller circuits, because the synthesis tool has in
    that case the freedom to optimize the circuit according to internal
    optimization algorithms.

    It also can make the design more robust, because the verification
    engineer will try to remedy the case and thus design bugs can be
    localised better (probably at the expense of time to debug, which is
    worth having it).


    Utku Özcan, Nov 24, 2006
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