verify if Another autocad is running

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Odie Silva, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. Odie Silva

    Odie Silva Guest

    Need ideas here.

    Goal: Autocad checks windows system and would prevent users from
    running autocad again if one Acad object is alreadyin use.

    Reason: Low IQ users who cant realize that they can simply open other
    documents instead of sucking all the RAM to have mutiple
    programs running


    Odie Silva, Apr 15, 2004
  2. Odie Silva

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Increase IQ of users or get new users.
    R.K. McSwain, Apr 15, 2004
  3. Odie Silva

    ECCAD Guest

    As long as they don't (suck) all (your) RAM, who cares ?
    ECCAD, Apr 15, 2004
  4. Odie Silva

    Odie Silva Guest

    If I did not haved reason to care I wouldnt be
    posting this question.

    Got better things in my mind right now that just
    sit around to chat or be funny.

    Anyone serious out there?
    Odie Silva, Apr 15, 2004
  5. Odie Silva

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Sounds more like an error trap than a cond. use.

    But you can't prevent anyone, with plain lisp or Vlisp.

    This is more of a job for an 'event handler' and you'll need to use a higher
    language like C.


    Authorized Developer
    Rudy Tovar, Apr 15, 2004
  6. Odie Silva

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    I was serious. Sounds like a personnel training issue.

    What do you do if these users start leaving work at 4:40 each day instead of 5:00, put a padlock on the door? Probably not...

    What do you do if they quit using snaps and start eyeballing everything...?

    What do you do if they......etc.

    If these are adults who are being paid to do a job, then outline the job for them.
    R.K. McSwain, Apr 16, 2004
  7. Odie Silva

    BillZ Guest


    CAD operators need to have a certain amount of training and a sense of resposibility to do their job correctly.
    If they're opening enough multiple AutoCAD sessions to the point that it's causing problems with the system, you'd better educate them to this matter.
    Are you going to let them open multiple sessions of Word, Excel or other system Apps until their system is all bogged down to the point that errors or bad performance result?
    Knowing the limits of your system, is just as important as knowing whether to answer "Yes" when the program asks you if you want to save your changes or what the dangers are of drag & droping files carelessly.
    If you've got people that are "untrainable" then by al means, replace the crew.

    BillZ, Apr 16, 2004
  8. Odie Silva Guest

    Hi Odie
    i think this problem is not to solve inside of AutoCAD, because evrything you do in AutoCAD is not working until the instanc is running.
    So you need a "meta programm" which controls the start of AutoCAD. Maybe you find somewhere a share/freeware to do this or you can write a short programm in C++ wich checks if AutoCAD is running, than shows a message box or if not sends a shell comand to start autocad.
    Use this programm instad of AutoCAD directly at your icon on the desktop.
, Apr 16, 2004
  9. Odie Silva

    John Uhden Guest

    Hi, Odie.
    You could try using DOSLIB (dos_processes). But it would be a little annoying
    to force an AutoCAD Quit after the application is loaded. Then again, maybe
    that annoyance would be a sufficient deterrent after a few tries. :/
    John Uhden, Apr 17, 2004
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