Verification on rebuild

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aaron, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    SW2005 Sp3.1

    I just saww a post with reference to 'Verification on Rebuild'.
    I never bothered with that setting and it has always been turned off.
    I've been working on a small injection molded part this way. It rebuilds
    So, I thought I'd turn on 'Verification on Rebuild', do a rebuild and
    see what happens.

    Boy , oh, boy...I get filleting errors that won't work no matter what I do.

    My question is: If the model is fine without 'Verification on Rebuild'
    turned on, and I get what I want from it, why should I turn it on?
    Is it going to bite me to leave it turned off?

    Aaron, Jul 29, 2005
  2. Aaron

    ed1701 Guest

    Yes, it can and will bit you. Big time.
    Remember, your part has geometry errors that just weren't caught. It's
    like those characters in the monster movies that close their eyes when
    the monster's coming - hello, the monster is STILL coming.

    There are four things that can happen in your case:

    1. A random rebuild later on will catch the errors and then you will
    HAVE to deal with them (I've seen this happen a few times)
    2. You may not be able to export the model. A good check is a round
    trip translation - try to save as an IGES then bring it back in and see
    if it will be a solid again. Often on a part with a hidden error you
    can't even get through the first part (exporting will fail)
    3. You will not be able to collaborate on this model with anyone who
    does use verification on rebuild.
    4. You may have trouble adding later features because the underlying
    geometry is bad - and you won't know where the problem arises from to
    fix it.

    What is the performance hit of using verification on rebuild? I have a
    part with lots of tough geometry - surfaces, lofts, knits, delete
    faces, etc. With it off, the rebuild time is 53 seconds. With it on,
    it rebuilds in 57 seconds. And those 3 seconds save me a world of
    downstream pain.

    I work with it on because I know the problems of working with it off.
    Over one week three of the guys I work with called me over because they
    were having weird problems with their model that they couldn't
    explain. I turned on verification on rebuild, we got the errors to
    tell us where the source of the problems were, fixed them and moved on.
    We would not have been able to deliver the parts with it off, and all
    three guys now keep it active because they know it saves time in the
    long run.
    Last anecdote: One of my customers was having a terrible time with a
    model similar to the one I just described - everything he tried to add
    to a model just failed, he had to compromise on the part, etc. I
    decided to take a look at it and I saw a big error in the first major
    feature of the model - of course I saw it because I had verification on
    rebuild on. I looked at the feature properties for the model and saw
    he had been working on it for THREE MONTHS - to save a few seconds on
    rebuild time (maybe a couple of minutes a day) he spent three months on
    a fundamentally flawed model. His only option now is to do major,
    major repair and if it still is too f***ed up he may have to throw away
    three months of work and start over
    ed1701, Jul 29, 2005
  3. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    The whole point is that your model is not alright. With this setting
    off SW does reduced checking. It let's things go that perhaps shouldn't
    be. Go through Ed Eaton's "Trees of Blood" or "Curvy Stuff" series if
    you are doing complex mold models and you will find a lot of tips on
    how to avoid problems, detect problems and fix problems.

    Verification slows SW down, but may speed up getting to the end because
    you will make a more robust model with it on.
    TOP, Jul 29, 2005
  4. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    I think that everybody should work with verification on rebuild
    checked, but
    I am sure that the folks who don't have what they think are valid
    When I get their crappy models, I'll fix them somehow and charge for my


    I'm not sure I would make such a sweeping statement. I totally agree
    when making anything with swoopy stuff in it. This would include sheet
    metal. But I live in the land of prismatics these days. There is
    probably little reason to have the box checked for me and one good
    reason to have it off, assembly rebuild times.
    TOP, Jul 29, 2005
  5. Aaron

    jjs Guest

    On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:07:26 -0700, "jk"

    I think a few yearsback, having the verification on used to create
    alot of crashes - if my memory serves me still.

    I just forgot to turn it back on, and now I'll keep it on because as
    people have said , better to have a small delay in rebuild time than
    forever trying to fix a model that has a hidden flaw.

    I solved the shell problem by off setting a surface and then cuting
    away the solid rather than use the shell as it was retricting the wall
    thickness that it could work with.

    Thanks for everyones comments

    jjs, Jul 29, 2005
  6. Aaron

    matt Guest

    Believe me, if it were only a question of micro-seconds, no one would
    turn it off. If you're making complex parts which take more than a
    minute to rebuild, verification can add a very significant chunk of
    time. When everyone is hollering for more speed, wouldn't you take a
    20-50% increase if you could get it?

    Personally, I work with it off. It's silly to work with it on all the
    time. If I make some geometry which is in any way questionable, I'll
    turn it on, ctrl Q, Tools/Check, fix errors if any, turn it off and keep
    working. Of course always check it before putting on the last batch of
    cosmetic fillets. Sometimes I'll check it if something that should work
    doesn't, or if something looks funny or a face disappears, etc.

    I think this might be getting overstated. Even if you make complex
    shapes, not every part made with verification off is going to get an
    error when it's turned on. It is important to check every part, but not
    all the time. After working with it a while, you develop a bit of an
    intuition about things it's not going to like.

    matt, Jul 30, 2005
  7. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    I suppose it is time for an integrity macro that turns this on, runs
    CTRL-Q and then runs check. Afterwards off it goes.

    As an aside I always wondered why CTRL-Q was something nobody talked
    about or documented.
    TOP, Jul 30, 2005
  8. Aaron

    matt Guest

    Yeah, maybe the macro should save first.

    I don't know why SW is so reluctant to share information about more than
    the basic functionality with users. Sometimes I forget that not
    everyone knows ctrlQ.

    matt, Jul 30, 2005
  9. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    Thanks for everyones input.

    The problem area was on in inside cosmetic fillet. I have turned on
    verification and removed the fillets (for now).
    The parts isn't swoopy, but has some funky intersecting planes.
    i hope I figure out how to put the fillets in before I'm finished.
    I'm wondering , if the problems are only on finish fillets, that no
    features will be built on, can't I get away with it (verification off).
    I tried exporting as STEP and IGES and it came in fine with the fillets.

    One more thing. It seems confusing to refer to Cntrl-Q as a rebuild,
    when it is different from the green/red light icon rebuild (or Edit -->
    Rebuild, or default Cntrl-B). For a long time I thought I was doing the
    same as Cntrl-Q by hitting the green/red light icon. If you look at the
    keyboard customization under 'Others' there it is 'Force Regen' -
    Cntrl-Q. So it's a regen, not a rebuild.

    Now this is even more confusing, because when you look up 'Regenerate'
    under Help, it says 'see Rebuild'...ha! what a mess.

    Aaron, Jul 30, 2005
  10. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    If you dig around in the API docs you will find this for CTRL-Q alias a
    forced rebuild:


    This method forces a rebuild of all of the features in the model
    whether or not they need a rebuild or not.

    On the other hand the Red/Green Rebuild icon does this when captured in
    a macro:


    This method rebuilds only those features in the model that need a

    Give this a try guys. I'm not sure how the forced rebuild will behave
    with AddtoDB on so do this on a part already saved. I couldn't find
    TOOLS/CHECK in the docs or in a recorded macro so am assuming it isn't
    there. The AddtoDB call and the display call make the rebuild happen
    without affecting the display which should speed it up if my guess is
    right. The macro toggles verification on and off so that a normal
    rebuild and other operations won't be slowed down.

    ' C:\DOCUME~1\KELLNERP\LOCALS~1\Temp\swx716\Macro1.swb - macro recorded
    on 07/29/05 by kellnerp
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
    Dim FeatureData As Object
    Dim Feature As Object
    Dim Component As Object
    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Part.SetAddToDB True
    Part.SetDisplayWhenAdded (False)

    swApp.SetUserPreferenceToggle swPerformanceVerifyOnRebuild, True
    retval = Part.ForceRebuild3(topOnly)
    swApp.SetUserPreferenceToggle swPerformanceVerifyOnRebuild, False

    Part.SetAddToDB False
    Part.SetDisplayWhenAdded (True)

    End Sub
    TOP, Jul 30, 2005
  11. Aaron

    ed1701 Guest

    I was wondering if I could hit you up for a favor. If you think of it,
    could you do a 'feature statistics' on some of these prismatic parts
    sometime to see what the hit REALLY is on rebuild time? On curvy stuff
    I used to think like matt that it was significant but in my latest
    tests it has been relatively trivial (3-4 seconds per minute of rebuild
    time)so the returns vs costs curves intersect in favor of 'verification
    on rebuild'. I wonder if the performance gains are more or less
    significant on prismatics?
    I need to find out because I will be giving 'trees of blood' at user
    conferences in Wisconsin and LA this fall (and likely SWX world next
    January though I haven't heard anything back yet on the submission). I
    would like to have good data to base my advice on because it is a
    subject that needs more exposure - I have seen so much time wasted
    because people didn't know about it or think that the cahnge in rebuild
    time is significant, but on prismatics it might not be to the users
    benefit to enable it.
    ed1701, Jul 31, 2005
  12. Aaron

    matt Guest

    I tried this on one model made mainly from surface lofts and fills, 163
    features. 3 ctrlQs with verification on and off gave an average of :

    Off: 142 seconds
    On 180
    27% increase

    On another one that had some complex shapes, some surfacing, but mainly
    ribs and fillets (574 features)

    Off: 223
    On: 389
    55% increase

    A third model which was exclusively solids, mainly extrudes and fillets
    with 166 features went this way (on a slower computer):

    Off: 93
    On: 135
    45% increase

    Anyway, I wish this setting were not so costly, but then if it weren't
    costly, there would be no need for the switch to exist. I definitely
    run with it off, and toggle it on at critical points and the end.

    matt, Jul 31, 2005
  13. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    On a prismatic part (409.878.sldprt) with 384 features TS Toolbox

    26 s
    23 s
    23 s

    With VOR set to on:

    28 s
    27 s
    27 s

    This part has no relations or dimensions in it. Nor does it have
    anything approaching a problem or questionable geometry.

    Adding a shell feature to the highly prismatic part*

    29 s
    29 s
    28 s

    with VOR enabled:

    40 s
    41 s
    40 s

    So it appears that the types of features in a part have a great
    influence on the effect of VOR and not just the complexity of the
    geometry. The thought occurred that I should test with features from
    the three or four classes you came up with in one of your
    presentations. I don't have that list handy right now.

    Equally important in any discussion of rebuild performance is the
    effect of errors. I haven't looked into that yet coupled with VOR.

    *I am using a level 6 result from the STAR2.1 benchmark.
    TOP, Aug 1, 2005
  14. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    I was running the macro on a model of an electric motor. The creator of
    the model used multibodies and didn't bother to combine at the end.
    There were 43 solids in the part due in large part to patterning the
    fins. What I discovered was that adding a combine more than doubled
    rebuild times. So perhaps using multibodies in a part without merging
    or combining is a "trick" that could be used to get rebuild times down
    TOP, Aug 1, 2005
  15. Aaron

    matt Guest

    it's also a trick that will make wireframe views and drawings a lot more
    .... interesting.
    matt, Aug 1, 2005
  16. Aaron

    ed1701 Guest

    OK, this looks to be one of those fascinating topics. matt's numbers
    caused me to second guess what I had found, but when I checked, sure
    enough, on pretty much all the 'complex' parts I pulled up from the
    last couple of years of work there was only around a ten percent
    difference, and on some there was less than 2! (sorry I don't have the
    numbers handy - they are at work) The only exception was a vacuum
    formed part that was all solid features with fillets and a shell - that
    came close to 25%.

    I would bet anything that Paul's theory about feature types is true,
    though I wonder if that might be expanded to basic modeling strategy.
    In my unscientific analysis of about 6 parts, it seems that the more
    surface work you do to make your solid the less verification on rebuild
    spanks you. That might be why I am seeing less of a hit than matt -
    not that he doesn't use surfaces, but based on seeing some of his stuff
    and how he dissected a modeling problem I think we *might* have a
    fundementally different approach that could account for some of this.

    Of course SWx version (I tested 2005 sp 3.1) and hardware (I have dual
    CPUs) might have something to do with it too. I would have to control
    for a lot of variables to tunnel through this one (for instance, in
    every test I flipped to check email while the model rebuilt - could
    that make a difference?)

    I wish I was more at leisure to look into this - these differences that
    he and I are seeing are the little kinks in the system that lead to big
    truths when you dig a little.

    Thanks guys... this is turning into a cool thread.
    ed1701, Aug 2, 2005
  17. Aaron

    matt Guest


    I think you're right about the solids/surfaces issue. My parts with a
    bigger percentage of surfaces didn't take as big a hit. I tend to do
    the big overall complex shape in surfaces, then make it solid and
    shell/rib/fillet. I think shells and fillets in particular give
    verification a harder time.

    I might be able to do more investigation with a completely surfaced
    part, and some more completely solid parts. My "prismatic" parts are
    still fully drafted and radiused plastic parts, not sure how that
    compares to kellnerp's prismatic parts (machined?).

    matt, Aug 2, 2005
  18. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    FWIW I have updated my benchmarking site with two utilities:

    Rebuild.swp which I posted as source a few days ago and TSToolbox which
    some people have been looking for. Rebuild has a timer in it now which
    reports rebuild time in a message box. TSToolbox might come in handy
    checking the effect of older version information in new documents in
    that it reports the version history of a document.
    TOP, Aug 2, 2005
  19. Aaron

    Andrew Troup Guest

    My understanding as to what Verification on rebuild actually does
    (which tallies with why it works hardest on shells, internal fillets and

    When you do a forced rebuild WITHOUT Verification, every surface is checked
    to ensure it does not interpenetrate with ADJACENT surfaces in the model

    When you do a forced rebuild WITH Verification, every surface is checked to
    ensure it does not interpenetrate with ALL surfaces in the model

    It used to be easy to fool SldWks with it turned off: shell a rectangular
    block, then put an exterior fillet around the top face, radius exceeding
    wall thickness. In the old days, this would create a dodgy Escher figure
    where the interior square corner protruded past the exterior fillet, but the
    rebuild would only fail if VoR was turned on.

    I think you have to try a little harder these days, but the same principles
    seem to apply, which gives you a steer as to when it might be important to
    turn it on.

    Sorry if everyone already knew this, it's just no-one seems to have
    mentioned it here.

    Andrew Troup
    Andrew Troup, Aug 2, 2005
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