Verification for a big chip???

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Lee, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Lee

    Lee Guest

    Deat all,

    If I design a big chip that includes several parts (layout) designed
    by different groups, I can consider each part as a cell and do P&R and
    fit it into a Padframe.

    But I have a question about verification,

    How can I do timing analysis and power analysis for the entire chip?If
    I extract the netlist for the entire chip and do circuit level
    simulation in Hspice, the simulation speed is too slow. What is the
    good way to verify the entire chip in industry?


    Lee, Aug 12, 2004
  2. Lee

    Karl Fritz Guest

    Oh boy, you are defnitely singing my tune! We too have this same problem
    when we design larger circuits, and are looking for a solution. Spectre and
    HSpice are definitely a pretty good way to get a good look at what is going
    on, but it does take alot of time and horsepower(and memory). The thing we
    usually do is break it into smaller blocks and do an analog simulation on
    the critical areas. I have used Verilog in the past to simulate basic
    delays extracted from analog simulations, but that won't give you power or
    drive numbers.

    I too would be curious as to what other folks do. Our designs are mainly
    digital that operate from DC->80Gbps, so analog simulation is a must, and
    extracted parasitics from the layout is a must! Our flow right now is to
    use Composer for the schematic, LayoutXL for layout and Analog Artist(HSpice
    or Spectre) for simulation while using Diva for verification.
    Karl Fritz, Aug 17, 2004
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