Verdict in AutoCAD is or was Better Than Microstation

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Sam, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Now with the release of Microstation V8 does it mean Bentley finally
    admits their file format from the 1970's is grossly outdated? Now
    Bentley switches to more things closer to AutoCAD. They finally
    abandoned the limited 63 levels. changed their entire way of thinking
    with the seed files and positioning to AutoCAD way of thinking. I
    have been monitoring the barbs back and forth over the years between
    AutoCAD and Microstation people arguing which is better but have never
    weighed in until now.
    Our firm has used AutoCAD since 1987 and Microstation since 1991.
    Over the years we have switched from 90% AutoCAD to 80% Microstation
    today but not due to which is better but due to our clients - D.O.T.
    Most users of both seem to have preferred AutoCAD over the years. I
    have to say that due to the Microstation file format I mentioned to
    start this article our firm has been in the last 3 years constantly
    been fixing and restoring corrupt Microstation files. I looked over
    records and did surveys in the firm and over the last 5 year period we
    had 6 corrupt AutoCAD files while for that same period as best we can
    discern we have had 437 corrupt files. I finally broke down and got
    Axiom's file fixer to try to cut down on the edg time we were
    spending. As a test I ran Fiel Fixer on some 12,000 files we
    currently have in Microstation, File Fixer reported over 10,000 files
    with some form of error. Granted some are lower level and Axiom does
    have redundant errors reported but with a magnitude anywhere close to
    that high is totally unacceptable for any software (except of course
    MS, we have grown to accept that). In Axiom's own literature on
    "Where corruption comes from", they use it as a boast that the other
    programs with complex file formats which do also sustain corruption
    does not have a file fixing utility like theirs. Why is that because
    no other program like Microstation has been so troublesome and had
    such an out dated file format as to cause so much trouble - that is
    spawns a need for a third party to aid in fixing their product. If
    there is a need in a capitalistic society there will be a product.
    Where is the file fixer for AutoCAD, etc... No one could make any
    money producing it due to the low need. But Microstation wow we need
    many more firms helping this program.
    Microstation never had a recover or CRC check as AutoCAD has had
    (until now with V8). I have been working with the firm that supports
    us and Bentley and I keep hearing it is due to power flucuations,
    corrupt upf files, seeds files with problems used in the first place
    or the best yet "this things just happen to complex files". No
    program in our office, Quark, Word, AutoCAD, Photoshop, etc.. has been
    as troublesome as Microstation. The problem is even doubled with
    Microstation from the other programs due to the exchange of info from
    surveyors, subs etc.. As soon as I get our directory cleaned up and
    our files stabilized, in comes a subs topo or drainage files
    referenced and used, starting the process over again due to another
    firms probelsm with Microstation.
    The final straw was when V8 finally came out. Riddle-me-this what
    program when issued did not allow the saving or save as of there files
    down to a lower version of their own software? Give Up?
    Microstation. It took three revs for them to finally get the
    coordinates to trnaslate down to V7. Still it is a bit shaky so that
    not any firms I deal with dare to save from V8 to V7 but only work in
    one or the other period. Hopefully v08.05 when released next month
    will finally have all the bugs out and be an acceptable workable

    Sam, Jan 26, 2004
  2. AutoCAD is the better alternative for those with $$$, try Intellicad
    if you have a limited budget. Same functions and menus between the 2
    if you plan to do only simple CAD.
    Jose Bonifacio, Jan 30, 2004
  3. Sam

    Roger Guest

    If that's not cheap enough you can go to Walmart and get an
    Etch-a-sketch. Please don't tell any managers that!
    Roger, Jan 30, 2004
  4. Sam

    Tahimik Guest

    Here we go again. You can glorified Autocad to your heart content,
    we are not switching and still sticking to Microstation.
    As I said before and do not mind repeating:

    Autocad is coffee,
    Microstation is cappuccino,
    Once you tasted the cappuccino
    You will never go back to coffee

    My only disappointment with microstation is it's
    changing its flavor to taste like coffee in V8.
    I guess it is business decision, there are more
    ordinary coffee drinker than sophisticated cappuccino's.
    Tahimik, Jan 31, 2004
  5. Sam

    O.H.Ystanes Guest

    Look at Acad and uStn as tools You will find both have their
    strength and limitations.

    MicroStation is better for fast and rough 3D modelling.
    Acad is better for true solid modelling.

    Both are obsolete compared to SolidWorks / Inventor ...

    I've been using uStn since 1988, (IGDS since 1985),
    Acad since 1999, Inventor since 2002.

    File corruption in uStn is usually related to network glitches.
    It is wise to copy the active .DGN file to Your local PC to
    avoid the continously writing to the server HD over the network.
    Preferably done automaticly when You open a .DGN file.
    I've followed this rule since 1988 and the number of corrupt
    uStn files are maybe one or two per Year. No need for
    Axiom file fixer here.

    uStn early versions made a lot of bad .DGN files due to bugs and
    Bentley's new elements not being designed properly.

    O.H.Ystanes, Jan 31, 2004
  6. Sam

    Ivo Blaauw Guest

    (Sam) wrote
    Bentley did not change their file format each time a new
    version came out. Autodesk rendered the compatibility almost
    impossible each time it updated. Backward file support?
    You HAVE to convert all your old drawings or keep old ACAD 8
    close by. Even Bentley did more support on old dwg then Autodesk.
    Didnt Autodesk switch to Microstation? I think of XREF that
    was only there since ACAD 14. Nobady used it, because it
    didn't just didn't work Ttry copy one element from an XREF
    and you end up with an entire file copy. That was what
    they had WBLOCK for not XREF.
    Good use of References made the limit no problem to me.
    So they do listen to their customers. Does Autodesk?
    Is was thinking of open dwg and open dgn here too.
    What about Windows? Hmmm?
    People in ICT just say these thing when they don't know what the
    answer is, 'cause neither do you and I. No point debating 'bout
    it with these people. 'Reboot' they say.
    Do you use them (Word, Photoshop etc.) as much as Microstation ?

    It's just a tool. Instruct all the people well and they will deliver
    proper work. Got a bad carpenter on the job? Good tools can't save his
    screw ups then. Same goes for education on these tools.
    Bussines for you. Tell them you can fix their problems for mucho $$$.

    Looks to me that you had your seven good years with ACAD and are now
    in the seven bad yours with microstation.

    I have been both ACAD and Ustation user.
    It never even came to my mind to start complaining about ACAD in the
    ACAD-newsgroup as a Ustation user. ACAD users seem to have the need to
    anoy the hard workers in the Microstation newsgroup.
    Ivo Blaauw, Feb 5, 2004
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