Vector file question

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tao Chen, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Tao Chen

    Tao Chen Guest


    I am using a vector file to generate the digital stimulus for my
    simulations. I met some difficulty after Cadence upgrading to

    In my schematic, the digital input bus is named "in<12:0>". In old
    Cadence, in the netlist generated this bus is named as "in_12",
    "in_11",... "in_0". So the signal name in the vector file can be
    defined as:
    vname in_[11:0]

    However, after upgrading, the netlist generated by new Cadence names
    the bus as "in\<11\>", "in\<10\>", ... "in\<0\>". I tried to change
    the signal name in the vector file as:
    vname in<[11:0]>
    vname in\<[11:0]\>

    Neither of them works. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    Tao Chen, Sep 26, 2009
  2. Tao Chen

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Tao,

    Would you mind to post the exact versions of your Cadence/MMSIM, i.e
    post the output of the following UNIX commands:
    UNIX> spectre -W
    UNIX> icfb -W

    The syntax "vname in<[11:0]>" Should be working fine in later versions
    of IC5141/MMSIM71.
    This syntax should generate inputs like in<11>, in<10> ... etc. The
    "\" character is used as an excape character in the Spectre netlist
    but would be read as in your .vec file.

    If you are really stack and want to move forward, then the following
    workaround would be helpful
    1. Leave your .vec file on the old syntax, i.e in_[11:0]
    2. Create your spectre netlist from ADE
    3. browse to your UNIX netlist directory and run the following perl 1-
    liner on your netlist (assuming input.scs)
    UNIX> perl -i.bak -ne 's/(?:(\w+)\\<(\d+)\\>)/$1_$2/g;' -ne print
    The above command would replace something like toto\<0\> with toto_0.
    Well, if toto_0 is already a valid net in your netlist then you are in
    trouble ...
    You may need to tweak then. Your netlist 'input.scs' is modified in
    place. A backup copy id stored into input.scs.bak though. You may run
    a tkdiff to see whether the above command line missed about your file.
    4. rerun your simulation without netlisting.

    Again, this is a workaround that stops you being dead in the water
    ( Thanks for that phrase Andrew :) ).
    You definitely need to tell us your IC5141/MMSIM versions because
    those I work with are all fine WRT this issue.

    Riad KACED, Sep 26, 2009
  3. Tao Chen

    Tao Guest

    Hi, Riad,

    Thanks for the reply. Here is the info you required:
    $ spectre -W
    $ icfb -W
    Sourcing local customization script for iccraftsman.
    Sourcing local customization script for cadence.

    The work around that I am using now is to change the bus name from
    in<12:0> to "in12,in11,...in0", and use "vname in[12:0]" in the vector

    Best Regards,
    Tao, Sep 28, 2009
  4. Tao Chen

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Tao,

    Ask your EDA guy to get you the latest MMSIM7.1.1.205.isr12, this one
    would work fine with your problem and has many other enhacments and
    bug fixes, especially WRT dcmatch if you happen to run any.
    I don't have at my end, I would have tried it
    otherwise. Anyhow, there is no reason going backwards.

    Riad KACED, Sep 28, 2009
  5. Tao Chen

    Tao Guest

    Hi, Riad,

    After upgrading to MMSIM, the problem is solved. Thank

    Tao, Sep 28, 2009
  6. Tao Chen

    Riad KACED Guest


    Great !

    Message to Andrew (or anybody who can answer):
    Do you know when and why the bus notation has been moved from the
    underscore convention to the angle bracket convention ? Or is it may
    be something changed in the defautt .simrc files ?

    Riad KACED, Sep 29, 2009
  7. Tao Chen

    Marc Heise Guest

    For 5.1.41:

    For 6.1

    Marc Heise, Sep 29, 2009
  8. Tao Chen

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Marc !

    Thank you very much indeed for your answer.
    I was looking back at my 'Cadence SourceLink Update for Riad Kaced:
    5/3/2009 to 5/10/2009' and it was mention there. I should have payed
    more attention !

    Riad KACED, Sep 29, 2009
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