vcres element

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by audewitt, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. audewitt

    audewitt Guest

    does anybody know how to set parameters for the vcres element from
    analogLib? when i instantiate it and open its properties, there are no
    fields under CDF parameters. also when running simulations, spectre
    complains that no appropriate views are found for it. other elements
    like vdc have no such problem. is there something special that has to
    be done to get vcres to work? thanks.
    audewitt, Jan 26, 2005
  2. vcres is only for use with hspice (i.e via the hspiceS/hspiceD interfaces) and
    is not a spectre component. Because it is not relevant for spectre, the
    properties are not shown (Look at Edit->Properties->Tool Filter and you've
    probably got it to only show spectre-specific properties).

    Spectre does however have a voltage controlled resistor in recent versions
    (can't remember exactly when these came in). If you pick vccs from analogLib,
    you can set the "type of source" to "vcr" and then set parameters accordingly.

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 1, 2005
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