
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vivek, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. vivek

    vivek Guest

    How to specify minimum via cuts while autorouting in vcar?
    vivek, Aug 14, 2009
  2. By command its:

    circuit net net13 (use_via (use_array M2_M1 1 2) (use_array M3_M2 1 2)
    (use_array M4_M3 1 2) (use_array M5_M4 1 2))

    I don't really know how to specify to all nets.
    Daniel Oliveira, Aug 20, 2009
  3. Daniel Oliveira wrote, on 08/20/09 16:31:
    In the past I've done this with:

    define (class ALLNETS *)
    circuit class ALLNETS (use_via (use_array M2_M1 1 2) (use_array M3_M2 1 2)
    (use_array M4_M3 1 2) (use_array M5_M4 1 2))

    (apologies if line-wrapped).

    I think there's a better way of doing this in VCAR these days. A quick search in
    the "iccdlr.pdf" doc in the installation shows:

    The following design file example specifies at least 3 cuts for any connection
    to layer metal1 pins or wires greater than 2.0 microns wide, and 4 cuts for
    connections greater than 4.0 microns wide.

    (layer metal1
    (type signal)
    (rule (minimumcut (width 2.0 numcuts 3) (width 4.0 numcuts 4)))

    So you can have width dependent rules on the minimum number of cuts, on each layer.


    Andrew Beckett, Aug 20, 2009
  4. Yours seems indeed like a better solution Andrew:)
    I only worked with VCAR 2/3 times so I do not know the tool well

    Best Regards,
    Daniel Oliveira, Aug 20, 2009
  5. vivek

    vivek Guest

    Thank you . It is working nicely.....
    vivek, Sep 1, 2009
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