VBA vs C++

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lorier, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. lorier

    lorier Guest

    Usually the conversation is about Lisp vs. Visual Basic, but I've run into something that seems to need C++, namely FDO. I understand the learning curve for C++ is higher than Visual Basic, but I have a few questions:

    1) Is the IDE comparable to VBA?
    2) Is everything available in VBA available in C++?
    3) Is C++ going to be supported by Autodesk in the future?
    4) With C++ can you expand the functionality of VBA?

    lorier, Oct 26, 2004
  2. What is FDO?
    That depends on your IDE but generally, yes.
    If you mean the COM interfaces, yes although they'res a good deal more
    complicated in C++.
    Autodesk has never so much as hinted that any of their APIs are slated
    for retirement. And considering C++ is the tool they use to build
    AutoCAD itself, I think it's safe to assume they're commited to the
    Yes, so long as you create DLLs which export their functionality.
    Frank Oquendo, Oct 26, 2004
  3. lorier

    Murph Guest

    Feature Data Object (?) A way AutoCAD Map links to an Oracle Spatial
    Database. Guessing here Frank.

    Murph, Oct 26, 2004
  4. lorier

    lorier Guest

    Good guess - murph.
    Is C++ the only way to use this?
    lorier, Oct 26, 2004
  5. lorier

    lorier Guest

    Thanks Frank
    lorier, Oct 26, 2004
  6. lorier

    3ABTPA Guest

    In fact Autodesk is moving toward to C++ platform, If I'm not misaken

    something that seems to need C++, namely FDO. I understand the learning
    curve for C++ is higher than Visual Basic, but I have a few questions:
    3ABTPA, Oct 26, 2004
  7. lorier

    Murph Guest

    I won't say the only way, but if you wanted to get into it I would start
    there, seeing there is very little exposed to VBA or Vlisp right now.

    Murph, Oct 26, 2004
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