VBA-VLISP talking to each other

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Randy Richardson, May 6, 2004.

  1. I've made a list of methods by which VBA and VLISP can talk to each other.
    I'm not sure the list is comprehensive, though. What am I missing?

    1. Read and write files such as text files, Excel files, etc.
    2. Read and write system varieables users(1-5), userr(1-5), useri(1-5).
    3. Read and write xrecord/dictionary entries.
    4. Read and write xdata.
    5. Read and write registry items.
    6. Sendcommand or sendkeys functions in VBA.
    7. Use Frank Oquendo's VLAX-based program.
    Randy Richardson, May 6, 2004
  2. Perhaps ...

    Compile an activex dll using Visual BASIC / Delphi etc.;
    create instance using visual lisp and invoke methods etc.
    using same.

    Of course, this isn't talking to VBA per se, but if the
    intent is to utilize vb[a] based functionality in lisp
    then this would be a means to that end.

    I've found it works quite effectively.

    I've made a list of methods by which VBA and VLISP can talk to each other.
    I'm not sure the list is comprehensive, though. What am I missing?

    1. Read and write files such as text files, Excel files, etc.
    2. Read and write system varieables users(1-5), userr(1-5), useri(1-5).
    3. Read and write xrecord/dictionary entries.
    4. Read and write xdata.
    5. Read and write registry items.
    6. Sendcommand or sendkeys functions in VBA.
    7. Use Frank Oquendo's VLAX-based program.
    michael puckett, May 6, 2004
  3. Thanks, Michael.

    Randy Richardson, May 6, 2004
  4. You're very welcome Randy. If you want some example
    code let me know and I'll see if I can put together
    a commented skeleton this weekend (if no one else
    provides one).

    Thanks, Michael.


    < snip >
    michael puckett, May 6, 2004
  5. I appreciate the offer, Michael.

    For now we probably won't be going down this road, but I'll keep the
    suggestion in the back of my mind.

    What seems to be the primary advantage of using the VB/Delphi dll rather
    than one of the other methods that I listed?

    Randy Richardson, May 6, 2004
  6. To respond (with fairness) to your question one would really
    have to put it into some kind of context; e.g. what are you
    trying to achieve overall, and how might you delegate the
    division of labour? Is it even practical to split the tasks?

    Hmmm ... For example, I have penned applications that read a
    database and then dynamically create block definitions,
    create and populate attributed instances as required and
    then log the entire activity to a dictionary. Nothing special
    here; one could do it entirely in vba, and for many that's
    probably the best way to go.

    However, I elected to do the ADO SQL stuff in a dll, and
    then everything else in lisp; mostly because vb lends itself
    really well to ADO, and I'm more comfortable with the
    balance of the exercise using lisp.

    While one can argue whether my approach is sound (and I
    welcome constructive arguments why it may not be so) for me
    it represents a means of choosing the right tool for the job
    based on my current abilities and time frame: I have a job
    to do and it needs to be done today.

    To date it has proven to be fast and very reliable.

    In my opinion, trying to achieve the above would be clunky
    at best with any of the methods in your original post,
    unless you did it entirely in vba; but then this
    conversation would be moot.

    Hope this helps (some).



    I appreciate the offer, Michael.

    For now we probably won't be going down this road, but I'll keep the
    suggestion in the back of my mind.

    What seems to be the primary advantage of using the VB/Delphi dll rather
    than one of the other methods that I listed?

    michael puckett, May 6, 2004
  7. Fair enough.

    Over the last decade or so, we've grown a multitude of AutoLISP programs
    that make drawings of various components that are used in our product. More
    recently, we created a very large program that defines an integrated product
    rather than just the components. This was needed to create drawings for the
    basic framework. This was sufficiently complex that we elected to use VBA
    dialog boxes instead of the DCL that we had traditionally been using. DCL
    could not have cut it. We used AutoLISP to create the drawings, however,
    after the necessary information was gathered from the VBA dialog box. Now
    that we have the basic framework, we can begin to integrate all the
    disparate old AutoLISP programs into a unified whole. The VBA dialog box
    will be the master. Already there are 11,000 lines of code in the VBA just
    to run the dialog box. We would really not want to rework all the old
    AutoLISP programs into VBA, so then the issue of communication between the
    two comes up. We want to minimize the extra code we will have to put into
    the old AutoLISP programs, but it looks like we'll have to do some of that
    regardless of which system we use. I agree that all the methods that I
    listed are clunky--that's why I asked the question, to see if there were
    less clunky methods. Your method perhaps is not, since I don't really
    understand it, but I do see right off the bat that we would still have to
    rework the old AutoLISP programs (admittedly we have to do this anyway) and
    we will also have to obtain software to create the DDL's.

    It looks like the answer to my question, as I picked through your response,
    was that VB lends itself really well to ADO. That's good, but since I
    haven't the foggiest notion what ADO is, that is meaningless to me.
    However, I do thank you for answering my question.

    I'm satisfied, until someone comes forward with another option, that there's
    no superduper way to have AutoLISP and VBA talk to each other, so I'll just
    be satisfied with something less than superduper.

    Randy Richardson, May 6, 2004
  8. Did I say something to offend you somehow? Sure hope not.

    Sorry about the acronym, ADO stand for Activex Data Objects
    library; the successor to DAO or Data Access Objects; both
    means to talk to databases.

    So it means I can query a database for data and have the
    results returned to lisp. In other words, application
    invocation starts with a lisp based command (defun c:MyApp),
    is transferred mid execution to one or more dlls, and then
    back to c:MyApp where it goes about the business of placing
    the acquired data into the drawing as previously described.

    Oddly enough, in the end, I believe this would be closer to
    what you want (minimize impact to existing source base) than
    trying to jig up something in vba, and then communicate thru
    some tin cans and bail wire back to lisp (i.e. user vars).
    That is not a shot at you, just my sense of how reliable
    using userr1 etc. to talk back and forth between lisp and
    vba might be.

    Re: "Alternative to DCL", you can embed dialogs in dlls too,
    which I have also done without any difficulty. I did not
    mention it merely because I wanted to talk about a
    relatively simple, but real world example. It's just as easy
    to embed dialogs, albeit a little more development time that's
    all, and I would say it's easy enough that even I can do it,
    as I am by no means a vb shaman.

    To wit, you may be able to put all the vba code you have
    already penned in a dll (albeit with some modifications, a
    wrapper class perhaps) and then call it the way I suggested.
    Perhaps a simple example project will help illuminate (see later
    in this post).

    In the end, no matter what route you go, it sounds like you
    may have to stand back and take a high level view of the
    problem, and then map out a practical solution that is
    implementable, documentable, maintainable and serves you best
    long term. If I am not mistaken, you and I, perhaps a more
    northernish fellow than myself, talked about this years ago.

    Offer stands for example code; I'll make it dialog based if
    you wish; just no promise of when I can concretely deliver it
    (though I'll endeavour to do it as soon as my schedule affords).
    I'm more than happy to provide this for if it can help you out.

    Cheerios and best wishes.

    There's three things I hate about getting older; I forget
    the other one.

    Fair enough.

    Over the last decade or so, we've grown a multitude of AutoLISP programs
    that make drawings of various components that are used in our product. More
    recently, we created a very large program that defines an integrated product
    rather than just the components. This was needed to create drawings for the
    basic framework. This was sufficiently complex that we elected to use VBA
    dialog boxes instead of the DCL that we had traditionally been using. DCL
    could not have cut it. We used AutoLISP to create the drawings, however,
    after the necessary information was gathered from the VBA dialog box. Now
    that we have the basic framework, we can begin to integrate all the
    disparate old AutoLISP programs into a unified whole. The VBA dialog box
    will be the master. Already there are 11,000 lines of code in the VBA just
    to run the dialog box. We would really not want to rework all the old
    AutoLISP programs into VBA, so then the issue of communication between the
    two comes up. We want to minimize the extra code we will have to put into
    the old AutoLISP programs, but it looks like we'll have to do some of that
    regardless of which system we use. I agree that all the methods that I
    listed are clunky--that's why I asked the question, to see if there were
    less clunky methods. Your method perhaps is not, since I don't really
    understand it, but I do see right off the bat that we would still have to
    rework the old AutoLISP programs (admittedly we have to do this anyway) and
    we will also have to obtain software to create the DDL's.

    It looks like the answer to my question, as I picked through your response,
    was that VB lends itself really well to ADO. That's good, but since I
    haven't the foggiest notion what ADO is, that is meaningless to me.
    However, I do thank you for answering my question.

    I'm satisfied, until someone comes forward with another option, that there's
    no superduper way to have AutoLISP and VBA talk to each other, so I'll just
    be satisfied with something less than superduper.

    michael puckett, May 6, 2004
  9. No, Michael, you haven't offended me. Not at all.

    You're right, we did discuss a big project a few years ago. A completely
    different one, but having the similarity of needing a well-thought-out
    strategy. This one is for my day job, that one was an independant project.

    My wife is outside with the car running waiting to pick me up, so I'll see
    if I can try to understand the rest of what you're saying later.

    Thanks again,


    Randy Richardson, May 7, 2004
  10. Speaking of long term strategies, as long as you are visiting
    your design and considering the best means to code up what
    amounts to a presentation layer (iinm), I should mention that
    ..NET (Microsoft's latest programming technologies) might be also
    be considered, as that appears to be the direction Autodesk is

    I haven't used .NET since I was at University, so my limited
    experience was purely academic rather than industrial. In other
    words, others are far more suited for providing you any .NET
    advice based on their real world experience.

    At this point I hope others may jump in and offer any additional
    council to help you identify a path forward, be it any of the
    mentioned techniques or technologies or something completely



    michael puckett, May 7, 2004
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