VBA Help...Almost There

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by battellemi, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. battellemi

    battellemi Guest

    Hey VBA gurus,

    I have a quick VBA need and was wondering if you could help. Please read on from an earlier post to see what I'm shooting for. I'm very grateful to Kent Keller for submitting the code below. With what Kent has proposed here my next question is how can I format the .tit file to match the correct syntax for the .tit file. This is in reference to MDT 2005. Here is the post from earlier.

    "For all of you VBA fluent users, is there anyone that could help me develop a simple program to do the following. From an excel worksheet I would like to take a column of attributes with a separate column of values for the attributes and write them into a .tit file (text file for importing into title blocks) with the appropriate syntax and format. I would think this to be an easy fix but for those VBA impaired I feel helpless."

    =======Code from Kent=======

    Public Sub MaketitFile()

    On Error GoTo CloseFile:

    Open "TestFile.tit" For Output As #1

    Dim oXLUsed As Range
    Set oXLUsed = Sheet1.UsedRange

    Dim iMaxRow As Integer
    iMaxRow = Sheet1.Rows(oXLUsed.Rows.Count).Row

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To iMaxRow
    Write #1, Sheet1.Cells(i, 1).Value
    Write #1, Sheet1.Cells(i, 2).Value

    Close #1

    End Sub
    battellemi, Dec 16, 2004
  2. battellemi

    AKS Guest

    1) What is the correct syntax for the .tit file?
    2) The text you want print to the text file (I use the Print
    command -- it writes each data line as a line. The Write
    command writes sequential data. Are you sure you want
    sequential data? ) is the usually the .Text of the cell and not
    the .Value. So your line might go:

    Print #1 Sheet1.Cells(i,1).Text

    Use the Format function to make the text look like what you
    want as in:

    Print #1 Format(Sheet1.Cells(i,1).Text, <format string>)

    The listing you show would appear to make a text file that
    has each data pair written out as one continuous stream
    with nothing to distinguish where each value ended and the next value started. Surely that is not the correct format
    that you are looking for.
    AKS, Dec 17, 2004
  3. battellemi

    battellemi Guest

    The syntax is of the form

    ("attribute" "attribute value")

    Were "string" equals a value that must be present in the .tit file independent of the excel spreadsheet, it is constant. The value "attribute" is the label for data collected in the first spreadsheet column and "attribute value" is a label for data collected in the second spreadsheet column. The quotations and parenthesis are required syntax. Each row in the spreadsheet would equal each line in the .tit file. How do I incorporate the quotations, parenthesis, and string values into the .tit file upon executing the vba script? The following is an example of a valid .tit file.

    1:1 ! Required string
    6312_d_border ! Required string
    ("P_N" "40001234")
    ("REV" "-")
    ("DRAWN_BY" "RBH")
    ("TODAYS_DATE" "2004-12-02")
    battellemi, Dec 17, 2004
  4. battellemi

    AKS Guest

    Ok, those quotes make it touchy. Each quote that you want
    printed must be nested between quotes.

    Public Sub MaketitFile()
    On Error GoTo CloseFile:
    Open "TestFile.tit" For Output As #1
    Dim oXLUsed As Range
    Set oXLUsed = Sheet1.UsedRange
    Dim iMaxRow As Integer
    iMaxRow = Sheet1.Rows(oXLUsed.Rows.Count).Row

    Dim strAttNum As String
    Dim strAttVal As String
    Dim strLine As String

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To iMaxRow
    strAttNum Sheet1.Cells(i, 1).Text
    strAttVal Sheet1.Cells(i, 2).Text
    strLine = "(""" & strAttNum & """ """ & strAttVal & """)"
    'MsgBox (strLine)
    Print #1, strLine
    Close #1
    End Sub
    AKS, Dec 17, 2004
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