VBA: Exit SW event

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. I want to catch an event at the exit of a SW session, I can't get it to work

    Ok in SolidWorks Objects/ThisLibrary
    there is a Workspace_Exit event. so I added this code to check it out

    Private Function Workspace_Exit() As Boolean
    MsgBox "You are exiting SolidWorks"
    End Function


    I presume that I need to set the workspace object but to what I also checked
    into using

    Public WithEvents swApp as Sldworks.Sldworks

    but there is no exit event just open and close of documents.
    Does anyone have any insight, thank you

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Oct 31, 2003
  2. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
    I know that I am keeping the swApp object because other events are working
    such as swApp_FileNewNotify2

    Public WithEvents swApp as SldWorks.SldWorks

    Private Function swApp_DestroyNotify() As Long
    MsgBox "Corey, SolidWorks is closing!"
    End Function

    I tried to modify the example that is on the Sw website to do this too but I
    got nothing.
    Confucious say "I confuse"

    Corey Scheich, Oct 31, 2003
  3. you need to create a solidworks dll add-in. then you can capture the
    destroy notify event. you can also capture solidworks load to do
    things like add toolbars and drop down menu's. so look into
    "solidworks add-in" in the solidworks api help file.
    Sean Phillips, Oct 31, 2003
  4. I thought it should work from VBA. You see SolidWorks put a VBA example on
    their website for events, one of the events on their example is clearly the
    SldWorks::DestroyNotify (). So my question is: IF THIS DOESN'T WORK WHY DO
    THEY GIVE IT AS AN EXAMPLE?????????????????????? I would write an .exe but
    I don't have VB6. Quick question. Do any of you know if I get VB6 will it
    require alot of rewriting to convert VBA macros into VB6 applications.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 3, 2003
  5. They often mix VBA and VB. I found several examples that won't run when
    compiled, others that don't work as macros...
    One thing is sure : event handling won't run in macros.
    You should consider that VBA macros do not "live" whiloe they aren't
    explicitely run.
    Event handlers require a process or task to run "in parallel" with
    SolidWorks, such as a separate .exe or an add-in (dll).
    No, it's pretty straightforward as VBA is a subset of VB
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Nov 3, 2003
  6. VB.NET is quite different from VB6, and from VBA.
    I'd say the future of VB.NET isn't clear yet. There is a HUGE amount of
    existing VB6 code around and many developers prefer to switch
    to C# rather than VB.NET... I'd also wait to see how SW macros evolve (does
    anyone know their projects about this? Python ? ;-)
    cheaper ? mmmh.... I paid roughly the same price for both.
    I love products that aren't updated anymore : they're finally reliable. (or
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Nov 3, 2003
  7. Actually I have been able to Handle Events such as new document and such
    during an entire session of SW. The only things I was unable to handle were
    the opening and closing of the session itself. It makes sense to me that
    with a macro that you wouldn't be able to watch for startup but according to
    the documentation you should be able to watch for shutdown. It says that it
    pre-notifies, well I guess it pre-notifies after stopping all macro
    processes, this seems silly to me.

    "Pre-notifies the user program when the application is about to be

    Anyway I was able to handle some just not all. The only reason I really
    wanted to do this is so I could stay attached to a session of excel and
    close it with SolidWorks, just to make things run a bit quicker.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Nov 3, 2003
  8. VBA is a choped up version of VB6.0 its missing a lot of stuff. I feel
    that .net is very new and finding help online will be hard. and if you
    dont know c++. there is no need to upgrade to .net so fast.
    Sean Phillips, Nov 4, 2003
  9. Bob Hanson Wrote:

    As I have been working very actively using .Net technology along with both
    VB and C#, I would like to correct some misinformation:

    1) SolidWorks 2004 API SDK does give you development project templates for
    both VB.Net and C#.

    2) VB.Net is not going away. There are not any plans for Microsoft to have
    that happen. I am now working for a Microsoft Certified Partner and I have
    been taking my tests for MCAD certification so I have been very involved
    with this technology.

    I am only hoping to help ease the anxiety.

    Best Regards,

    Bob Hanson
    Centare Group, Ltd. - Custom
    Software and Systems Integration
    Robert Hanson, Nov 4, 2003
  10. Corey,

    The SW API documents that the SldWorks.DestroyNotify event is not sent for
    COM-based DLL add-ins:

    "SolidWorks sends this event to an MFC-based DLL add-in when SolidWorks is
    about to be destroyed. This is a pre-notification. Add-ins should perform
    any cleanup inside this event."


    "This event is only sent to MFC-based DLL add-ins; it is not sent to
    COM-based DLL add-ins. Use SwAddin::DisconnectFromSw to perform any cleanup
    of COM-based DLL add-ins."

    I use C++ for my COM dll addins, and cleanup using SwAddin::DisconnectFromSw
    because SldWorks::DestroyNotify never gets sent. I guess that it should
    work OK for VB6 based COM dlls too. Maybe, VB6 based exes are different -
    the API documentation does not mention them. I know that up until SW2003 at
    least COM DLL add-ins were destroyed earlier in the shutdown sequence than
    MFC based DLLs, so I guess that the SldWorks COM object was already dead
    when SolidWorks wanted to send the 'pre-notify'.
    Paul Delhanty, Nov 4, 2003
  11. VB.NET is essentially VB7 that is what I read in a VB.NET book.
    Corey Scheich, Nov 4, 2003
  12. Thank you all for your input.

    Corey Scheich

    Corey Scheich, Nov 4, 2003
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