VBA continues before Documents.Open Method Completes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Shoemaker, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. I'm starting stimple and trying to just open and then close a list of
    drawings. What i've noticed however is that vba doesn't wait for the Open
    method to complete before continuing with code execution so the program
    dies. What's a good way to wait for a file to open, close, save, etc before
    continuting with the program? Thanks in advance,



    For ii = 1 To colFileList.Count

    strDwgName = colFileList.Item(ii)

    If Dir(strDwgName) <> "" Then
    ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open strDwgName
    lstLog.AddItem "Error! " & strDwgName & " Does Not Exist."
    End If

    Next ii
    Chris Shoemaker, Apr 6, 2005
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