VBA code in Actrix

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kruno, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. kruno

    kruno Guest

    I know that this group is dedicated to Autocad, but because there is no
    other group dedicated to Actrix, maybe someone of you can help me about
    this problem: Scaling inserted item from catalog
    I've found a "solution" in one old post, but it stops at the last line of
    with message: "Height" is not a property of this object. So it says for any
    catalog item.

    The code is:
    Dim theCatalogItem As CatalogItem
    Set theCatalogItem = ThisDocument.Catalogs(0).CatalogItems("Square")

    Dim kvadR As DrawObject
    Set kvadR = ThisDocument.ActiveDrawPlane.Selections.Item(0)
    Call kvadR.Expressions.SetExpression("Height", "500")

    Thank you for any help and sorry for offtopic!
    kruno, Mar 2, 2007
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