Vba Code Help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by johnsonm, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. johnsonm

    johnsonm Guest

    I have a routine that I copied off of the ADT NG from a few years back. I have tweaked it to work almost exactly as I need. One problem I have is if I delete an object from the acad drawing, it is still referenced in the access database. What I want to do is delete all the records in the table that match the current drawing name. I have looked for help elsewhere on this, but I dont quite understand the concept of records yet. Could any one help fill in the blank to finish my code?

    Public Sub PushToAccess()

    Dim SchedApp As New AecScheduleApplication
    Dim cPropSets As AecSchedulePropertySets
    Dim PropSet As AecSchedulePropertySet
    Dim cProps As AecScheduleProperties
    Dim Prop As AecScheduleProperty
    Dim space As AecSpace
    Dim obj As AcadEntity

    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject

    cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=I:\Facilities\Facilities Database\Facilities Utilization.mdb"
    Set cat.ActiveConnection = cnn
    Dim spaceTbl As New ADOX.Table
    Dim sTable As String
    Dim bFoundTable As Boolean

    sTable = Mid(ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dwgname"), 1, 3)

    bFoundTable = False
    For Each spaceTbl In cat.Tables
    If UCase(spaceTbl.Name) = UCase(sTable) Then
    bFoundTable = True
    Exit For
    End If

    If bFoundTable Then
    '''Delete all records in the table that matches sTable whoes field, DrawingName, matches dwgname
    'I currently have the next line in here, but that deletes everything, including the table.
    cat.Tables.Delete sTable
    End If
    With spaceTbl
    Name = sTable
    Columns.Append "Handle"
    Columns.Append "RoomNumber"
    Columns.Append "RoomName"
    Columns.Append "Area"
    Columns.Append "Style"

    Columns("RoomNumber").Attributes = adColNullable
    Columns("RoomName").Attributes = adColNullable
    Columns("Area").Attributes = adColNullable
    Columns("Style").Attributes = adColNullable

    Dim index As New ADOX.index
    index.Name = "Handle"
    index.Columns.Append "Handle"
    index.Unique = True
    index.PrimaryKey = True
    spaceTbl.Indexes.Append index

    cat.Tables.Append spaceTbl

    Set cnn = cat.ActiveConnection

    End With

    Dim spaceRs As New ADODB.Recordset
    spaceRs.Open sTable, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    For Each obj In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    If TypeOf obj Is AecSpace Then
    Set space = obj
    Set cPropSets = SchedApp.PropertySets(space)
    Set PropSet = cPropSets.Item("SpaceObjects")
    If Not PropSet Is Nothing Then
    Set cProps = PropSet.Properties
    spaceRs.Find "Handle = '" & space.Handle & "'"
    If spaceRs.EOF Then
    spaceRs!Handle = space.Handle
    End If
    spaceRs!Area = cProps.Item("BaseArea").value
    spaceRs!Style = cProps.Item("Style").value
    End If
    Set PropSet = cPropSets.Item("RoomObjects")
    If Not PropSet Is Nothing Then
    Set cProps = PropSet.Properties
    spaceRs.Find "Handle = '" & space.Handle & "'"
    If spaceRs.EOF Then
    spaceRs!Handle = space.Handle
    End If
    spaceRs!RoomNumber = cProps.Item("Number").value
    spaceRs!RoomName = cProps.Item("Name").value
    End If

    End If
    Set cat = Nothing
    End Sub
    johnsonm, Aug 11, 2004
  2. johnsonm

    bcoward Guest

    Get into MS Access and build an Action Query. If you don't know what that is open the help files and I believe there is DELETE sample code that you can reference.

    On the fly you want a SQL statement that is something like:

    DELETE * from MyTable where ThisFieldThatHoldsTheDrawingName = 'YourDwgName'
    bcoward, Aug 11, 2004
  3. It's way easier than you are trying to make it. To delete records based on
    some criteria, you only need ADO, not ADOX. Here's some pcode.

    Dim oConnection As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim sSQL As String, sTable As String, sDrawingName As String
    oConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data"
    oConnection.Properties("Data Source") = <string expr containing the full
    path\filename.ext to your database>
    ' sTable should be the table name you're deleting from
    ' sq brackets deal with spaces in table name
    sTable = "[" & Mid(ThisDrawing.GetVariable("dwgname"), 1, 3) & "]"
    sDrawingName = <DrawingName field value of records you want to delete>
    ' below: note single quotes around sDrawingName, you need them for text data
    types, not for numerics
    sSQL = "Delete * From " & sTable & "Where DrawingName = '" & sDrawingName &
    oConnection.Execute sSQL
    Set oConnection = Nothing

    Admittedly, this code is minimalist. I doesn't check for errors or the
    return status of the Execute. It should give you a descent template for
    experimentation. ADO Help is down at the bottom of the Access Help contents
    John Goodfellow
    use john at goodfellowassoc dot com

    have tweaked it to work almost exactly as I need. One problem I have is if I
    delete an object from the acad drawing, it is still referenced in the access
    database. What I want to do is delete all the records in the table that
    match the current drawing name. I have looked for help elsewhere on this,
    but I dont quite understand the concept of records yet. Could any one help
    fill in the blank to finish my code?
    Source=I:\Facilities\Facilities Database\Facilities Utilization.mdb"
    John Goodfellow, Aug 12, 2004
  4. johnsonm

    johnsonm Guest

    Thanks for your help, I've got it working using ado. I dont even think adox does that stuff. I think it just makes tables.
    johnsonm, Aug 16, 2004
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