vba calculate length of line selected help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by johnbortoli, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. johnbortoli

    johnbortoli Guest

    I have avba project i am working on which asks the user to select apolyline on the drawing. The code then gets the length of the line but rturns to abiut 6 decimal places.
    Question 1.
    How do i get it to return the length to 2 decimal places only?
    Question 2.
    If the user selects anumber (ie 2, 3, 4 etc) from a combobox on a user form in the project, how do i get the length of the line multiplied by the selected number?
    I have listed the code i have at present below. I think that is all.
    Regards JohnB

    Public Sub AddTendon()
    Dim intFilterType(0 To 0) As Integer
    Dim varFilterData(0 To 0) As Variant
    Dim objSelectionSet As AcadSelectionSet

    For Each objSelectionSet In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
    If objSelectionSet.Name = "AddTendon" Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Next objSelectionSet

    Set objSelectionSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("AddTendon")

    ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "Select a tendon..." & vbCrLf

    intFilterType(0) = 0
    varFilterData(0) = "LWPOLYLINE"
    objSelectionSet.SelectOnScreen intFilterType, varFilterData

    If objSelectionSet.Count > 0 Then
    strTendonLength = CalcTendonLength(objSelectionSet(0))
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Function CalcTendonLength(objPolyLine As AcadLWPolyline) As Double
    Dim varEntities As Variant
    Dim dblLength As Double
    Dim intIndex As Integer

    dblLength = 0#

    varEntities = objPolyLine.Explode
    For intIndex = LBound(varEntities) To UBound(varEntities)
    If TypeOf varEntities(intIndex) Is AcadLine Then
    dblLength = dblLength + varEntities(intIndex).Length
    ElseIf TypeOf varEntities(intIndex) Is AcadArc Then
    dblLength = dblLength + varEntities(intIndex).ArcLength
    End If
    Next intIndex

    CalcTendonLength = dblLength
    End Function

    johnbortoli, Mar 4, 2005
  2. johnbortoli

    MP Guest

    apolyline on the drawing. The code then gets the length of the line but
    rturns to abiut 6 decimal places.
    Debug.Print Round(25.345243985744, 2)
    or if you're dealing with strings look at the Format function


    form in the project, how do i get the length of the line multiplied by the
    selected number?

    now I'm not sure what you're exactly asking cause I'm sure you know...
    dLen = 25.25
    lNum = 4
    dRes = dLen * lNum
    so I think i'm missing something in your question...

    MP, Mar 4, 2005
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