VBA, accepting input from text box

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    I have a macro that will create a new configuration for all documents
    in a selected folder but the only way I can get it to work is to "hard
    code" the configuration name by putting the configuration name directly
    into the code. I would like to change this so that the user can input
    the new configuration name into a text box and then assign that value
    to a variable that is in turn referenced in the code so that the user
    can define the configuration name at run time rather than having to
    edit the code to enter the configuration name. I can create the form,
    text box and label my problem appears to be with the code.

    Does anyone have a simpe macro they can share that includes an example
    of how to accept input from a text box?


    Sam, Jan 3, 2007
  2. Sam

    Tin Man Guest

    Here's something that should get you going...

    Make a new macro with a Userform (called frm1) that contains a Textbox
    (called txt1) and a Command Button (called cmd1). Paste the below code
    into the Userform code.


    Private Sub cmd1_Click()

    Dim strConfigName() As String
    Dim intArrayCount As Integer
    Dim intCount As Integer

    intArrayCount = 1
    ReDim strConfigName(intArrayCount)
    For intCount = 1 To Len(frm1.txt1.Text)

    'Current character ASCII code if interested
    'You'll need this to check for invalid characters (if there are
    ' or maybe this could be better used in the txt1_KeyDown Event
    ' disallow the invalid character from even being entered (if
    Debug.Print Asc(Mid$(frm1.txt1.Text, intCount, 1))

    If Asc(Mid$(frm1.txt1.Text, intCount, 1)) = 13 Then '13 is the
    Enter Key
    'Ignore this character and increment configuration name
    array if needed
    If strConfigName(intArrayCount) <> "" Then
    intArrayCount = intArrayCount + 1
    ReDim Preserve strConfigName(intArrayCount)
    End If
    ElseIf Asc(Mid$(frm1.txt1.Text, intCount, 1)) = 10 Then '10 is
    the Line Feed
    'Ignore this character and increment configuration name
    array if needed
    If strConfigName(intArrayCount) <> "" Then
    intArrayCount = intArrayCount + 1
    ReDim Preserve strConfigName(intArrayCount)
    End If
    ElseIf Mid$(frm1.txt1.Text, intCount, 1) <> "" Then
    'Add this character to the current configuration name in
    the array
    strConfigName(intArrayCount) = strConfigName(intArrayCount)
    & Mid$(frm1.txt1.Text, intCount, 1)
    End If
    Next intCount

    'Discard last configuration name in the array if it is blank
    If strConfigName(intArrayCount) = "" Then
    intArrayCount = intArrayCount - 1
    ReDim Preserve strConfigName(intArrayCount)
    End If

    'Display each configuration name entered
    For intCount = 1 To UBound(strConfigName())
    MsgBox "Configuration Entered #" & intCount & ": " &
    Next intCount

    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    frm1.txt1.EnterKeyBehavior = True
    frm1.txt1.MultiLine = True
    End Sub
    Tin Man, Jan 3, 2007
  3. Sam

    fcsuper Guest


    There's lots of examples of how to do this online. I have several
    macros using different methods on my own site: http://sw.fcsuper.com.
    Under Downloads, check out Rigid Custom Properties, Text to Clipboard,
    Save as PDF (all under All Document Types section), and Add Rev to Rev
    Block (under drawings section).

    fcsuper, Jan 3, 2007
  4. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Thanks for the help guys, unfortunately your examples are too
    complicated for me to figure out. All I want to figure out is how to
    assign a value from a text box to a variable and then reference that
    variable in the code so that a configuration is created with the
    configuration name being what the user input into the text box. I have
    the form created, and I can see that the value in the text box is being
    assigned to the variable but for some reason the line of code to create
    the config is not working. The line of code to add the config is below,
    ConfigName is the variable and its value is assigned from the text box
    but I cannot figure out why the config is not being created. If I were
    to enclose ConfigName in parenthesis then a config named ConfigName
    would be created so the code appears to be correct in that application
    but I do not want to "hard code" the configuration name into the
    program, I want it to pick up the name from the text box.

    ConfigMgmr.AddConfiguration ConfigName, "", "", 0, "", ""
    Sam, Jan 3, 2007
  5. Sam

    farful Guest

    Hi Sam, I'm trying to learn VBA with Solidworks myself. I was wondering
    if you could post/send me the macro of what you have? I agree that most
    things I find online or way too complicated, and I need something
    simple to start with to learn from. As for the inputbox command, try:

    variable = InputBox("Please enter some String")

    Then use that variable where needed. I hope that helps. (If this isn't
    working sorry, I'm new to this myself)
    farful, Jan 3, 2007
  6. Sam

    Tin Man Guest

    ConfigName = Userform1.Textbox1.Text
    Before the above line in your code, you can put this line:
    Msgbox "The value of ConfigName is: " & ConfigName
    This will pop up another dialog box to let you know the value of your
    variable at that time. Useful only during the debugging stage. From the
    sounds of it, the ConfigName variable is a blank string.

    You could also try this:
    ConfigMgmr.AddConfiguration Userform1.Textbox1.Text, "", "", 0, "", ""

    You'd probably get a better response if you actually posted the code.

    Tin Man, Jan 4, 2007
  7. Sam

    That70sTick Guest

    I recommend using a form with a ListBox so that the user can select the
    configuration from a list rather than typing (mis-typing!) the config

    The "Copy Custom Info" macro on my website uses configs in a drop-down
    list. Feel free to examine the code.

    If you are serious about macro programming, spend some time learning
    VB6 or VBA first to get a grip on object-oriented programming and forms.
    That70sTick, Jan 4, 2007
  8. Sam

    fcsuper Guest

    For simplicity, I also recommend Inputbox. Using forms can be
    complicated for the novice, especially when getting into listboxes.
    Some on the examples I sited before have good examples on how to use
    Inputbox. It's pretty much just two lines of code gets you what you

    Dim ClipBoardText As String

    ClipBoardText = InputBox("Enter text you want put on clipboard.",
    "Clipboard Test", "Enter your text here")

    The first section "Enter text you want..." is the text used to provide
    instructions, the second "Clipboard Test" is the name of the inputbox
    shown in the title bar, and the third "Enter your text..." is the
    default text in the input field.

    fcsuper, Jan 4, 2007
  9. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Mr. Tick, :)

    I had taken VB several years ago and I would really like to be able to
    use it more unfortunately my job does not allow time for it but only a
    few times a year maybe. So even when I do learn something new by the
    time I come back to it I have already forgotten what I had learned.

    Thanks for the responses, maybe I will be able to spend some time this
    weekend to decipher the example code that every one referenced.

    Thanks again...

    Sam, Jan 4, 2007
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