VB6 -> VBA -> Lisp?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jbryant4, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. jbryant4

    jbryant4 Guest

    If I have a VB 6 program already written, how easy is it to use this inside of AutoCAD 2004 or 2005?....We have a program (very large) someone wrote hear that reads an XML file and assigns variable values. We would like to use this VB 6 program inside of AutoCAD to make drawings utilizing a Lisp drawing program. We are thinking that we can convert his VB variables into Lisp variables. If this is possible, will there be a problem since his routine is written in VB6 as opposed to VBA? Thanks.
    jbryant4, Jun 14, 2004
  2. jbryant4

    Ed Jobe Guest

    It sounds to me like you need to rethink the whole process rather than slap a bunch of pieces together. However, to answer your question, the vb6 prog would have to be compiled as an ActiveX dll in order to be used in vba or lisp. It would also have to expose the data you need as properties or return data via public functions. Then you could store them in lisp or vba variables. You can't simply convert vb variables to lisp vars.
    Ed Jobe, Jun 14, 2004
  3. jbryant4

    Anthony Guest

    could you explain a little more in detail what you are trying to do,
    are you wanting to use lisp to do your drawing for you based on a an xml

    alternativly email your vb source files to me and i'll have a look at it. It
    may be simple enough to use lisp to call the variables from a dll


    inside of AutoCAD 2004 or 2005?....We have a program (very large) someone
    wrote hear that reads an XML file and assigns variable values. We would like
    to use this VB 6 program inside of AutoCAD to make drawings utilizing a Lisp
    drawing program. We are thinking that we can convert his VB variables into
    Lisp variables. If this is possible, will there be a problem since his
    routine is written in VB6 as opposed to VBA? Thanks.
    Anthony, Jun 15, 2004
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