VB run time error AFTER compile?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pkirill, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    If I run this program from Visual Studio, it work beautifully. But after I compile to exe if kicks back a Runtime error 5 invalid call or procedure when it's executed. Without going it the nitty griity of this program, does anyone have any ideas why runnig from VB Studio would work, but running from exe would not? For what it's worth, this occurs right after displaying a progress meter, but before loading an AutoCAD session...
    pkirill, Aug 5, 2004
  2. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    And here's another kick in the pants. If I have Visual Studio open - BUT - I run the program from the compiled exe, it works. If I close Visual Studio and run the program from the compiled exe, I get the runtime error...

    Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
    If I run this program from Visual Studio, it work beautifully. But after I compile to exe if kicks back a Runtime error 5 invalid call or procedure when it's executed. Without going it the nitty griity of this program, does anyone have any ideas why runnig from VB Studio would work, but running from exe would not? For what it's worth, this occurs right after displaying a progress meter, but before loading an AutoCAD session...
    pkirill, Aug 5, 2004
  3. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    Well, I found the problem - I think... I believe it had to do with the subr that keeps the progress meter on top while drawings are being processed behind. It was called from a module, but the program name that showed up in the task manager didn't match what I had in code. Since the subr could find the name I gave it, it went south.

    BUT - I still don't know why it worked when VS was open, but not when it was closed...
    If I run this program from Visual Studio, it work beautifully. But after I compile to exe if kicks back a Runtime error 5 invalid call or procedure when it's executed. Without going it the nitty griity of this program, does anyone have any ideas why runnig from VB Studio would work, but running from exe would not? For what it's worth, this occurs right after displaying a progress meter, but before loading an AutoCAD session...
    pkirill, Aug 6, 2004
  4. You might have the IDE ignoring the errors

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    Well, I found the problem - I think... I believe it had to do with the subr that keeps the progress meter on top while drawings are being processed behind. It was called from a module, but the program name that showed up in the task manager didn't match what I had in code. Since the subr could find the name I gave it, it went south.

    BUT - I still don't know why it worked when VS was open, but not when it was closed...
    If I run this program from Visual Studio, it work beautifully. But after I compile to exe if kicks back a Runtime error 5 invalid call or procedure when it's executed. Without going it the nitty griity of this program, does anyone have any ideas why runnig from VB Studio would work, but running from exe would not? For what it's worth, this occurs right after displaying a progress meter, but before loading an AutoCAD session...
    Jorge Jimenez, Aug 6, 2004
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