VB program to plot to pdf

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wayne, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Wayne

    Wayne Guest

    I am trying to write a program in Visual Basic that will create a pdf
    of all dwg files in a folder. The API call "PlotToFile" works just
    fine if I create a dwf file, but does not work with pdf. It creates
    the pdf file, but it will not open in Adobe. I have tried two
    different shareware pdf writer software packages, cutePDF and deskPDF,
    and neither one work. Is what I am doing possible or am I doing
    something wrong. As a side note, I can manually create the pdf files
    with same pdf plotter I configured with the plotter manager.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    Wayne Matus
    Wayne, Aug 10, 2004
  2. Wayne

    Mr. B Guest

    What I did was write a VB.net script writting application... you can plot all
    selected DWG files to any comany printer, OCE Reprodesk... and PDF. I used
    PDF995. So as far as the script file is concerned... just another printer.

    And I have it so it re-opens any SCR file to modify all the many various
    settings... I even went overboard and added in a feature to create up to 15
    Layouts per selected file... modify their names and delete them.. but I

    Simple and straight forward. Nothing fancy needed or necessary... So forget
    the API calls, etc and just write a plain jane vanilla flavour SCR file


    Mr. B, Aug 10, 2004
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