VB addins--cleaning up registry

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TheTick, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. TheTick

    TheTick Guest

    I've written a VB program as a tool for VB SW Addin development. It
    cleans out all of the registry entries for the addin .dll, including
    SW addin keys and toolbar key entries. I find this to be handy when
    doing multiple compilings of a program.

    If there is enough interest (1 person), I will post it.

    Since registry editing is a sensitive topic, I will make the source
    code available and not just hide behind an .exe.
    TheTick, Feb 5, 2004
  2. TheTick

    TV Guest

    I do a lot of VB Addin, and yes I do have problems in the registry, so
    your utility will be very usefull. Especially the keys in
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT bugs me.

    Just for inspiration: I have some dificulties when I use a
    setup-routine on a forrign computer. Sometimes my addin will connect
    to SW and sometimes not. And uninstalling a previous version of the
    addin is only sometimes succesfull. (SW not running) I decided to use
    setup because some addins access many files that must be on
    hard-drive. I use the "Package and Deployment Wizzard" combined with a
    script. I also found that on some computers some addins does not run
    unless I install VB6 and uninstall it again. (All files asked for by
    the wizzard included)

    I hope this is enough interest.

    Thomas Voetmann
    TV, Feb 6, 2004
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