VB 2005 Express & SW 2006 API Issue(s)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(bacsdesign.com\), Aug 25, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    I installed VB Express last night along with the SolidWorks 2006 API for VB
    (.net 2003 or higher) and it shows up in the new projects dialog, but when I
    choose it and click OK, I get and error:

    (Red X)

    "Error: this template attempted to load an untrusted component
    'SolidWorksTools, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKey
    Token=bd18593873b4686d'. For more information on this problem and how to
    enable this template, please see documentation on Customizing Project

    I have searched high and low for enabling "Customizing Project Templates"
    and have found nothing to fix this problem...

    Does anyone know how to fix this and would be willing to share this info. I
    find it hard to believe that this is a new occurrence, especially with the
    popularity of both VB Express and SW, but finding info on the SW API that is
    actually current is just awful.

    Is the a good list of info and links to API help, proper installation,
    Setup, etc. for VB Express and SW API somewhere?

    "mini rant on"
    I have programmed in VB 6.0 for many years and have not seen so much BS to
    get this setup to be stable and reliable on a system before. Maybe SW
    should just say the API works only with this version, and programming
    language, and that is final. Too many variables = too many problems and bad
    code... sound familiar.
    "mini rant off"

    Thank you everybody, for any help you can give,

    Glad it is Friday!

    Aron \(bacsdesign.com\), Aug 25, 2006
  2. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    CS Guest

    Find the SolidWorksTools.dll and drag it into the following folder

    This will register the assembly with the Global Assembly Trust.
    CS, Aug 25, 2006
  3. Aron \(bacsdesign.com\)

    CS Guest

    I am sure it is a generic error trap that throws up the message and it
    could be any of a number of problems.
    CS, Aug 28, 2006
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