Variable section & twist

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by gioair, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. gioair

    gioair Guest

    Hi everybody,
    I'm interested in drawing a solid twisted and with variable section. I
    believe it should be possible in proe. Could anybody post a detailed
    way to do so?

    gioair, Dec 19, 2005
  2. gioair

    John Wade Guest

    Is the sketched section of the solid to be perpendicular to the central
    spine of the solid, to a neutral plane, or another feature? There are
    at least three different ways to do this, depending upon the geometry
    you want to create, all different, and none quick or easy to explain.
    You may be best getting someone to come & show you.
    John Wade, Dec 20, 2005
  3. gioair

    gioair Guest

    John hello,
    thank you for your reply.
    yes, the section is perpendicular to the axis of the solid.
    I did something following these steps:
    extrusion of the section to form the solid
    warp in which I twisted the solid
    I would need to reduce the section along the extrusion axis.
    Is it a correct procedure?
    Would this other way be possible?: drawing of bottom and top sections
    on two datum planes at a defined distance, and then blend them.
    Anyway it's for a turbine blade (different section and different
    incidence angle at the two sections).
    gioair, Dec 20, 2005
  4. gioair

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Anyway it's for a turbine blade
    Depending on contingencies ...
    You might look at a Variable Section Sweep; "chord axis" primary trajectory and,
    maybe, section normal, a helical curve controlling section and x-vector. You
    could get more complex and have one curve controlling x-vector (twist) and
    another controlling section. Or maybe a simple Swept Blend or Boundary Blend
    (start and end sections req'd for either).

    Some contingencies:
    What is (are) the section curve(s), spline, conic curves, etc?
    Linear taper and twist or something more complex?
    Start and end sections similar or something more complex?

    It's a pity posting binaries (models, pics, etc.) isn't an option here (personal
    preference; I like usenet groups and a news reader vs. html or email exploder
    interface). Since it isn't; if it's not "secret stuff" I might suggest you try
    McadCentral or some place where you can post binaries. Information can get lost
    in verbal only translation. Knowing if this is simply a learning excercise or
    something else might also be helpful.
    Jeff Howard, Dec 20, 2005
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