Variable Radius Filleting in Solidworks, comments

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael, Oct 25, 2003.

  1. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    "but why is Michael asking here if you are his buddy,...?"

    Most people like to hear a variety of opinions.

    Why should Michael be any different ???

    "I have no association with or will I ever have an
    association with Joe Dunne."

    This is no surprise to me. ;>)

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  2. You know how to manipulate, don't you?

    This is not the Rhino NG, did not know if he uses it or not?
    Oh, you are buddies, sorry, you know best and this is why he is asking
    questions here??
    You know best, Jon, you've demo'd them all, right!?
    Show us your work using Rhino and IronCad!!??
    Oh really? Show some of your work using IronCAD compared to other
    modelers you use!?
    You know best, Jon. Show your work using Rhino and IronCad
    Hmm, since I have always stated IronCad is probably the fastest and
    easiest modeler to use.... I don't believe I have too, now do I??

    Show us your work or please crawl under your rock and go away?

    Paul Salvador, Oct 28, 2003
  3. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    Oh, you must be right, because he really thought highly of you!!!

    I'll let you in on a secret if you promise not to tell anyone.... he's
    not the only one. ;>)

    Make sure you don't tell anyone !


    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  4. Oh, you must be right, because he really thought highly of you!!!

    Paul Salvador, Oct 28, 2003
  5. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    "You know how to manipulate, don't you?"

    You often try but..... ;>)

    Remember Michael, Paul ???

    In this case it's all about Michael.

    Try not to forget that with all your personal attacks and
    vendettas, okay. :>)

    In that spirit here are the questions that you should really
    try to directly answer that might actually help, Michael.

    If Michael goes with IronCAD and still uses Rhino why would
    this be "restrictive" ????

    Name another solid modeler or even a hybrid modeler that has
    better integration with Rhino than IronCAD ???

    Name an easier transition for Michael than IronCAD.

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  6. Michael

    Michael Guest

    I contacted both Ironcad and VX via email. A VX rep contacted me
    today and will be here Thursday afternoon to setup the trial software
    and is coming back for a few hours Friday morning for brief training.
    No word from Ironcad yet.
    I will post the results when I know what they are.
    As for Rhino, I have bought every version since it's start, the things
    I need badly have been pushed aside for the V3 core issue and as of a
    McNeel post last week, it will be late
    2003 before the Variable radius filleting becomes a WIP, late 2004 is
    the projected release date. That means an we will get an inkling by
    Dec 31, 2003 and it will take a year to develop the initial version.
    Hey, I love Rhino and I had hoped that little Rhinobeast would have
    his ticket punched by now, but still not yet. The only reason I have
    not left before is that I have a huge 12 gig filebase (that is zipped)
    and it contains so much Rhino work that the cost of changing over
    needs to be kept to a minimum if possible.

    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 28, 2003
  7. I hear ya on the rhino stuff.

    From what I have seen of VX tut's, they improved a lot from what they
    weren't but a very interesting tool!
    IronCad's tutorials are some of the best and I believe they still have a
    hotline you can call and possibly some webex type of connection?

    Good luck with the process of finding the best match.

    Paul Salvador, Oct 28, 2003
  8. Michael

    Arlin Guest

    Talk about a hypocrite.

    One one hand you always harp on how various functionality NEEDS to be
    included with the core product.

    Then, on the other hand, you praise IronCad for its integration with
    Rhino. So why don't you criticize IC for its lack of functionality
    (which can be filled with Rhino)???
    Arlin, Oct 28, 2003
  9. Michael

    jon banquer Guest


    "Talk about a hypocrite."

    Okay, lets talk about it. :>)

    "One one hand you always harp on how various functionality
    NEEDS to be included with the core product."

    I certainly do !

    "Then, on the other hand, you praise IronCad for its
    integration with Rhino. So why don't you criticize IC for
    its lack of functionality (which can be filled with

    In Micheal's case I praise IronCAD because it may very well
    be what Michael needs with all his legacy Rhino data. Should
    I put my own agenda before what may very well be right for
    Michael ?

    "So why don't you criticize IC for its lack of functionality
    (which can be filled with Rhino)???"

    I certainly have ! Need proof ? Just ask and I'll post it or
    the links to it. In fact, I was so adamant about IronCAD
    lacking in needed surfacing functionality that an IronCAD
    tech, who use to be a former SolidWorks Certified Support
    Engineer and trainer, contacted me. He and I agree on what
    is needed in IronCAD.

    Further, as I'm sure you read, Michael also has an interest
    in VX's Vision and will be evaluating it. VX's Vision is a
    seamless, unified, hybrid modeler and does not need to be
    augmented like IronCAD and SolidWorks do to get the needed
    basic functionality.

    I hope this answer your questions to your satisfaction. If
    not, let me know what you need from me to make it perfectly
    clear that I don't think IronCAD is a seamless, unified,
    hybrid modeler at the moment. I am confident, however, that
    IronCAD will be a seamless, unified, hybrid modeler by the
    2nd quarter of 2004.

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
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