Variable Radius Filleting in Solidworks, comments

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael, Oct 25, 2003.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    I am not a SW user, yet, but am currently shopping several packages
    to find a good Variable Radius Filleting solution.
    Would SW be a good solution for mechanical parts modeling that demand
    a "sound" Variable Radius/Complex Filleting option?

    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 25, 2003
  2. SW actually has a lot of nifty filleting stuff -
    For variable radius fillets, you have three options:
    1) The variable radius fillet - specify radii at verteces or points you
    2) Face fillet with hold line - automatically varies the radius of the
    fillet to keep it in contact with an edge that you create and control with a
    'split line'(very, very nice for aesthetic fillets)
    3) Curvature continuous fillet with two hold lines - changes the radius and
    shape of the fillet to keep it in contact with boundaries on both sides.
    You create and control these boundaries with a 'split line'.

    I don't know what other packages you are looking at, but SW has done a lot
    with filleting without fanfare - things have been happening behind the
    scenes to allow many more fillets to work that would have failed even a year
    ago. Overt improvements are also impressive - for instance, filleting
    'features' instead of just edges and faces is mind-blowingly powerful.

    Also, since SW became 'essentially' a hybrid surface/solid modeller (I'm
    sure Jon Banquer will chime in with his thoughts on that one), the
    occasional filleting problem is worked around without a ton of pain. If you
    decide to give SW a shot, take a look at the 'filleting' tutorial at - go to the tutorials, then go to Curvy Stuff 102, then
    look for the filleting module. Multi-bodies are often quite handy to work
    through problems, and 'Atomic bomb' filleting will get you through just
    about anything.
    Edward T Eaton, Oct 26, 2003
  3. Michael

    Michael Guest

    Thank you very much for the link, I will explore it. I know Jon, I
    sent him an email last week about something but I suppose his email
    address has changed or something.
    I use Rhino, Alibre, TrueSpace, ZBrush, Smartcam and Visualmill. I
    am still looking for a bit more than those packages "presently" offer.
    Rhino has been my main modeler since it's inception, but the V3
    "difficulties" and as of this week yet another year before the
    variable fillet capability get worked on, well what do I do? I look at
    is as their dilemma not mine. Anyway, I am looking to get this
    Variable Radius filleting impass behind me as well as looking for a
    stable piece of software that I don't get patches for every few days
    and "hope" that things remain stable.
    Care to comment on stability of SW and file Import/Export
    translation? I export my models into cnc mills and routers, tell me,
    what are the translation capabilities of SW like?
    I know that Rhino has never translated to/from SW very well at all.
    Over the years I usually cringe when someone says they want to move
    files between SW & Rhino. I have a 20 gigabytes model base, what would
    SW offer to deal with moving files between Rhino and SW?

    Michael Gailey


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 26, 2003
  4. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    Also, since SW became 'essentially' a hybrid surface/solid modeller (I'm
    No disagreement, Ed.

    IMO, Michael would best be served by IronCAD for the following reasons:

    1. IronCAD uses both Parasolid and ACIS for it's modeling kernels.

    2. IronCAD has far better integration of Rhino than SolidWorks. See
    the IronCAD website for a decent Flash presentation of how this works.

    3. Michael can try IronCAD for 90 days free. It's downloadable and has
    no limitations.

    4. I know for a FACT that the next release of IronCAD due in the 2nd
    quarter of 2005 major focus will be on adding surfacing.

    jon banquer, Oct 26, 2003
  5. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    Sorry. I have not been using the old e-mail with a underscore between
    my first and last name. The new one does not use an underscore. If
    I have not addressed your e-mail in what I wrote above to Ed feel
    free to e-mail me at my new Yahoo account.

    As I said above to Ed, IMO IronCAD will best offer you the integration with
    Rhino that I think you need. I have IronCAD installed on this machine and
    if you want me to test something for you feel free to get a hold of me by

    I would be glad to download files, bring them into IronCAD and send
    you back an ACIS or Parsolid file.

    jon banquer, Oct 26, 2003
  6. Michael

    jon banquer Guest


    "I don't know what other packages you are looking at, but SW
    has done a lot with filleting without fanfare - things have
    been happening behind the scenes to allow many more fillets
    to work that would have failed even a year ago. Overt
    improvements are also impressive - for instance, filleting
    'features' instead of just edges and faces is mind-blowingly

    I guess the real question is why were they failing in the
    first place ? Parasolid is exceptionally strong with
    filleting and always has been. Whatever the reason, I'm glad
    that you see progress and that it's helpful to you.

    Obviously, I would rather see more balance in Solidworks but
    in the absence of balance I'm glad that other areas are
    being improved to your satisfaction.

    If you can't answer Michael's questions on any filleting
    problem that Michael would come across in SolidWorks, I
    don't know of another SolidWorks user who could.

    jon banquer, Oct 26, 2003
  7. Michael

    Michael Guest

    Inovate is just a 60 day eval, but that is plenty. I can use it a few
    days and find what I need to know. Inovate was the download I got.
    What kind of price is VX Mold & Die? It appears to be pretty good but
    their eval doesn't download.
    Also where is a SW eval download?

    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 26, 2003
  8. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    Inovate is just a 60 day eval, but that is plenty.

    IMO, you should forget about Inovate and download IronCAD.

    They show it for $5,500 but I think you can do better from an
    aggressive VX VAR.
    It should. Contact Mike Lynch at VX if you continue to have
    a problem.
    You would not need to use Rhino if you go with Vision. VX
    will also listen to what you have to say. They are a small
    but very responsive company.

    IMO, Vision is every bit Unigraphics equal at part modeling.
    Vision is used by Newport Tool and Die in Road Island who
    does a ton of work for Stanley Products.
    Don't know but SolidWorks Corp is really generous about
    letting students / unemployed engineers / etc. use the
    product to learn it at no charge. They are a very
    progressive and good company in this way.

    jon banquer, Oct 26, 2003
  9. Michael

    Arlin Guest

    Also where is a SW eval download?
    SWX does offer a free "Personal" edition to just about anybody. I
    believe it is limited to 90 days.
    Arlin, Oct 27, 2003
  10. Michael

    Michael Guest

    What is the link?


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 27, 2003
  11. Michael

    Arthur Y-S Guest


    -As far as stability, '04 seems to be quite stable. I have had less crashes
    with SP0, than I ever had with '03 SP whatever.
    -Files being imported have definately gotten better. IMO the real problem is
    that most of these companies dont want their programs to "play" with anyone
    else. Go figure.
    Arthur Y-S, Oct 27, 2003
  12. Paul Salvador, Oct 27, 2003
  13. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    Have you tried Power Solids for Rhino?
    Real filleting as an optional add-on ???

    Where does the B.S. end ????

    The developers of PowerSolids / PowerBooleans are extremely
    nice and competent people. Nothing but good things to say
    about Gary Crooker and how responsive he is.

    Gary and his partner should be directly on McNeel's payroll
    but Bob McNeel is too narrow minded and too cheap.

    Why not raise the price of Rhino and offer a more complete product
    instead of the incomplete one it is now.

    After all these years Bob McNeel is still totally lost as
    the ship drifts at sea. Perhaps an accountant turned salesman
    does not have the proper vision needed to deliver what the
    market wants ?


    jon banquer, Oct 27, 2003
  14. Man, you're such a dick!

    This guy ask a question and you offer a total external package, IronCad,
    which is 3-4X more expensive and I suggest a $300 addon for his tool for
    auto variable fillets!???

    In Rhino3D, variable fillets are not a big problem if you are willing to
    develop the trims(using pipe) and surface blends.
    In fact, it's much cleaner manually because the system is not guessing
    for you. Different tools, different workflows and methods.

    You continue to do not use ANY of these tools except fantasy demo
    software, then you profess what things should be base on what other
    companies have been doing and using buzz works as your own idea and/also
    pass names of developers, engineers, owners as if you are in the know as
    well as your close buddies???

    You are so full of BULLSHIT!!

    Go away or please go the the Rhino3D ng and get kicked out as you always

    On second thought, Joe Dunne at SW Crop probably still thinks you're the
    guy to deal with.... which makes anyone think about
    who/when/why.....???? Fucked up as the world is, hell, anything is
    possible, Arnold as Gov and GWB as Pres.... I would not be surprised to
    read someday that SW Corp gets advice from ng trolls... the twisted
    insane nightmare continues,... freaking amazing.

    Paul Salvador, Oct 27, 2003
  15. Michael

    Michael Guest

    Yes, I bought both NPower Booleans and NPower Solids. Still, on some
    complex fillets even then it isn't enough. It is much better, but
    still not a lock for complex solutions every time.

    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 28, 2003
  16. Michael,

    I remember your work... if you recall,..

    You will definitely have to trial out the modelers which have been
    suggested and see what works best.
    You're going to find all of them easy and restrictive since you are a
    Rhino user, and that is more related to workflow than anything else.
    You will be thinking or working differently using some of the modelers
    and that can be good or bad.

    So, if you have time to trail them, you may be in for a lot of
    perspective changing.
    I'm sure it will not be easy.

    If/when you do have an example, I'm sure someone here will help.

    Paul Salvador, Oct 28, 2003
  17. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    "This guy ask a question and you offer a total external
    package, IronCad, which is 3-4X more expensive and I suggest
    a $300 addon for his tool for auto variable fillets!???"

    It's more than obvious that your still not getting the idea
    that some people are just sick and tired of all these basic
    functionality add-ins that really should be included in the
    base package.

    Based on how long I have known Michael and how I'm sure he
    has looked at and tired Gary and his partners stuff, I gave
    a recommendation that I felt makes more sense for the stuff
    that I know he does.

    What you did was give the easy answer. Perhaps the easy
    answer is not the best answer ???

    IMO, IronCAD with it's best in class Rhino integration, and
    based on what I know will show up in IronCAD in the second
    quarter of next year, it makes me feel very comfortable to
    recommend it. If Michael want's to get away from Rhino
    altogether than VX's Vision is an excellent choice.

    However, I think Michael wants to stay with Rhino and can
    probably wait till the second quarter of next year for
    IronCAD to deliver decent surfacing without relying on

    You may have noticed that IronCAD gets most of it right the
    first time around unlike SolidWorks.

    "On second thought, Joe Dunne at SW Crop probably still
    thinks you're the guy to deal with.... which makes anyone
    think about who/when/why.....????"

    I always liked Joe Dunne. Very sharp guy.

    How are you two getting on lately ???


    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  18. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    "You're going to find all of them easy and restrictive since
    you are a Rhino user, and that is more related to workflow
    than anything else."

    Michael posted in the Rhino newsgroup that he uses Alibre.

    If Michael goes with IronCAD and still uses Rhino why would
    this be "restrictive" ????

    IronCAD is one of the less restrictive solid modelers on the

    Name another solid modeler or even a hybrid modeler that has
    better integration with Rhino than IronCAD.

    Name an easier transition for Michael than IronCAD.

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  19. Michael

    jon banquer Guest

    Paul said:

    "On second thought, Joe Dunne at SW Crop probably still
    thinks you're the guy to deal with.... which makes anyone
    think about who/when/why.....????"

    I said:

    I always liked Joe Dunne. Very sharp guy.

    How are you two getting on lately ???


    I forgot to say:

    I should also add that I always thought Joe Dunne
    was an excellent judge of character. ;>)

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  20. .....more bs....

    Wow, you're buddies. Say no more,... but why is Michael asking here if
    you are his buddy,...? Surely with you as his friend he should be able
    to get all the answers that he would ever need from you??
    I don't know, maybe??

    Please, show your work (no marketing bs, your work) using IronCad and
    why it would be a better solution for Michael?
    You must have examples from your demo's backing your claims, right??
    No excuses, show the variable fillet radii which you are supporting and
    post them, ok?
    Oh, don't spin this into IC with surfacing is not released until next
    year bs because we are talking about variable fillet radii now... not
    next year promises from an advert.

    I have no association with or will I ever have an association with Joe
    Ah, but he did say you were the guy, he really wanted to work with
    Go for it, you guys are perfect for eachother!!

    Makes you go..... HMMMMMMMMM, doesn't it!????

    Paul Salvador, Oct 28, 2003
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