Variable name to function

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004.

  1. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    I thought this would be easy: Make a function #getnum(numbr strg
    default) to be called from a routine like (setq myvar(#getnum myvar
    "Enter a number" 10)). The function goes ahead and either displays the
    existing global myvar or the default with the string: Enter a

    No problem, except I can't see a way to convey the variable name to the
    function. You know, so it can check to see whether it exists. If it goes
    as a string then the function line (if varname varname default) breaks

    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  2. TCEBob

    Mark Propst Guest

    if i'm understanding your question correctly (maybe not?)
    (setq myvar(#getnum 'myvar "Enter a number" 10))

    is that what you're looking for?
    without seeing the actual function #getnum I can't be sure.
    Mark Propst, Apr 2, 2004
  3. TCEBob

    zeha Guest

    Is this function what you mean
    Don't forget the quote for the variable

    (defun #getnum(var prmpt dflt / mvar)
    (set var (if (setq mvar (getint (strcat "\n" prmpt " <" (itoa dflt)"> "))) mvar dflt))
    (#getnum 'newvar "Enter a number" 10)
    (princ newvar)
    zeha, Apr 2, 2004
  4. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Should have done the first time. Haven't tried the quote but will when I
    wake up.
    Later I'll expand to include strings.


    ; get global number given string, number, default
    ; Use: (setq size(#Getnum size "\nEnter size:" 12.5))
    (defun #Getnum(varbl strg default / )
    (if (and (numberp default)(not(numberp strg)))
    ;check default is a number and strg is not a number
    (setq varblx (if varbl varbl default) ;if there as a numbr use it,
    else use default
    temp(getreal(strcat strg " <" (rtos varblx) ">: ")) ;offer to user
    ;note that getreal will keep prompting if user enters a string
    ;but will return nil if user presses <enter>.
    varbl(if temp temp varbl) ;if user enters something take it and
    reset the global
    ) ;else use the global
    (princ "\nError: call with global name, string, number.") ;chide the
    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  5. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Almost. I need to check whether mvar already exists and then use it as
    the default.


    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  6. TCEBob

    zeha Guest

    (defun #getnum(var prmpt dflt / mvar)
    (if (eval var)
    (set var (if (setq mvar (getint (strcat "\n" prmpt " <" (itoa dflt)"> "))) mvar dflt))
    (set var dflt)
    (#getnum 'myvar "Enter a number" 10)
    zeha, Apr 2, 2004
  7. Is this what you're looking for?

    (defun #getnum (myvar str default / num temp)
    (if myvar
    (setq num myvar)
    (setq num default)
    (setq temp (getint (strcat "\n" str " <" (itoa num)"> ")))
    (if temp
    (setq globalvar temp)
    (setq globalvar default)
    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Apr 2, 2004
  8. Zeha,

    Why quote myvar?
    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Apr 2, 2004
  9. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Yes sir. The trick is in setting up a globalvar which is never actually
    referenced but does cause the routine to produce a response. Right?

    Now that I have a working core I will expand it to include strings and

    Side question: I've gotten into the habit of phrasing (if (setq (setq
    (setq (if (a (b))) mainly because it works as a condition to while. Is
    there a functional difference?

    (setq num
    (if myvar myvar default)

    Many thanks,

    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  10. TCEBob

    Tom Smith Guest

    (setq num
    (setq num

    Same thing, one word shorter. I do the same thing, put the test inside the
    setq instead of the reverse.

    In Ken's version, he isn't using the stored globalvar in the user prompt. If
    I understand the purpose, I don't see why you need to pass myvar to the
    function. It should simply use globalvar if it exists, right?

    (defun #getnum (str default / num temp)
    num (if globalvar globalvar default)
    temp (getint (strcat "\n" str " <" (itoa num)"> "))
    globalvar (if temp temp num)))

    This returns the new value of globalvar and uses it as the default next
    Tom Smith, Apr 2, 2004
  11. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Oh, I think you meant (setq globalvar num) in the last line.

    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  12. Good point on the global var. Couldn't see the forest cause there
    was a tree stuck in my eye.

    Test before/after setq. To me it's easier to read to test before.
    I guess it's just preference.
    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Apr 2, 2004
  13. I think you're right.
    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Apr 2, 2004
  14. TCEBob

    Tom Smith Guest

    Test before/after setq. To me it's easier to read to test before.
    As many things are. But you got to admit it's a lot more concise when the
    whole function boils down to a single setq that sets two locals and one

    Of course it could be streamlined to eliminate at least one of the locals,
    but again it's a readability issue.

    A lot of times I do a number of local defuns, simply to get all their code
    out of the "main" function -- because it's easier for me to read the
    function as a whole that way. Preference again.
    Tom Smith, Apr 2, 2004
  15. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    That could be a problem if I ever want to set a different variable. In
    other words, globalvar is now 31415 and I am now looking to set foofoo
    with a default of 7. The new prompt will stick in 31415.

    Cute trick with cond. Thanks.

    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  16. I would agree.

    Just for fun. Get rid of both locals.

    I suppose that you could also get rid of setq also.

    (defun #getnum (str dft)
    (setq globalvar
    ((getint (strcat "\n" str " <"
    (itoa (if globalvar globalvar dft))"> ")))

    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Apr 2, 2004
  17. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    ((getint (strcat "\n" str " <"
    (itoa (if globalvar globalvar dft))"> ")))

    Really cute. But we still need to identify which variable we are
    modifying, since globalvar may not apply. Why not just set myvar

    ((getreal(strcat "\n" str " <
    (rtos (if myvar myvar default)) "> ")))

    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  18. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    Here it is, as assisted so well. Next, including strings.

    Thanks again,


    (defun #getvbl (myvar str default / num temp)
    (cond ;neat trick by Tom Smith
    ((getreal(strcat "\n" str " <"
    (rtos (if myvar myvar default)) "> ")))
    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
  19. TCEBob

    Tom Smith Guest

    (defun #getvbl (myvar str default / num temp)
    Now you're not setting a global to recall later. As I understood it, that
    was one of your goals.

    If you want this to be really general, there are a lot of cases where the
    user expects his last response to be the default. I think you really want
    one of three possible "default" values: a new value, if you choose to force
    a new one, otherwise the last user response if it's recorded in a global,
    otherwise a fallback value for the global.

    (defun #getvbl (newval str default / num temp)
    (setq num
    (setq globalvar
    (if (setq temp (getreal (strcat "\n" str " <" (rtos num)) "> "))

    (#getvbl 5 "Number?" nil) to force 5 as the default

    (#getvbl nil "Number?" 5) to use globalvar as the default or fall back to 5
    if globalvar isn't set
    Tom Smith, Apr 2, 2004
  20. TCEBob

    TCEBob Guest

    It does just what I want. When I call it from a routine I have already
    set the variable to global (meaning I did not set it to local). Here it
    is, at work:

    (defun c:dsp( / obj opt) ; Displace then erase original
    (setq odi(#getvbl odi "Displace distance" 5))
    (setq obj (entsel "\nPick an object to Displace: "))
    (redraw (car obj) 3)
    (setq opt(getpoint "\nSide to Displace: "))
    (command "offset" odi obj opt "")
    (command "erase" obj "")
    TCEBob, Apr 2, 2004
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