Variable for Plot to File location

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Andreas, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Andreas

    Andreas Guest

    Regarding the new R2005 option in Options > Plot and Publish > Plot to File
    folder location

    Is there a variable I can read into my LISP routine to work out where the
    plot files should be going?
    Andreas, Aug 12, 2004
  2. Andreas

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Andreas

    Try this:
    (defun GetPlotToFilePath ()
    Jürg Menzi, Aug 12, 2004
  3. Andreas

    Andreas Guest


    Thank you. It works well.

    However I am not too familiar with Vlisp. Do you mind commenting it out for
    me ecpaining what each line does?

    How did you know what these names are called in the first place to call them
    up. EG: vla-get-DefaultPlotToFilePath

    Where can I get a list of these?

    Do we need the vla-get-output?



    PS I modified it slightly. It seems to work ok but not sure I need to do
    this. I didn't know how else to set the path top a variable to use later on
    in my program.

    (defun C:GetPlotToFilePath ()
    (setq PlotPath (vla-get-DefaultPlotToFilePath
    Andreas, Aug 13, 2004
  4. Andreas

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Andreas

    (defun GetPlotToFilePath ()
    (vl-load-com)			;Initialize ActiveX support
    (vla-get-DefaultPlotToFilePath	;Gets DefaultPlotToFilePath property from...
    (vla-get-Output		;PreferencesOutput object from...
    (vla-get-Preferences		;Preferences object from...
    (vlax-get-acad-object)	;AutoCAD application object
    There is no need to change the function code. 'GetPlotToFilePath' returns the
    value from 'PlotToFilePath' property. Therefore you can set your variable like
    (setq PlotPath (GetPlotToFilePath))
    See AutoCAD Developer Help -> Visual LISP Developer's Guide -> Working with
    AutoCAD Developer Help -> ActiveX and VBA Reference
    The Output object includes among other things the requested property:
    $ (vlax-dump-Object (vla-get-Output *PreferencesObject*)))
    ; IAcadPreferencesOutput2: This object contains the options from the Output
    ; tab on the Options dialog
    ; Property values:
    ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00b9b5e4>
    ; AutomaticPlotLog = -1
    ; ContinuousPlotLog = -1
    ; DefaultOutputDevice = "\\\\Server01\\HP Color LaserJet 5500"
    ; DefaultPlotStyleForLayer = "Normal"
    ; DefaultPlotStyleForObjects = "ByLayer"
    ; DefaultPlotStyleTable = ""
    ; DefaultPlotToFilePath = "C:\\PrintSpool"
    ; OLEQuality = 3
    ; PlotLegacy = 0
    ; PlotPolicy = 1
    ; PrinterPaperSizeAlert = 0
    ; PrinterSpoolAlert = 0
    ; UseLastPlotSettings = 0

    Jürg Menzi, Aug 13, 2004
  5. Andreas

    Andreas Guest

    Thanks Jürg. It helps a lot more.
    I have now incorporated your initial code in my lisp file and works well.

    Much appreciated.


    Andreas, Aug 14, 2004
  6. Andreas

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Glad to help you...¦-)

    If you like to find more of this vl-, vla-, vlax-stuff, visit my
    homepage -> Free Stuff

    Jürg Menzi, Aug 14, 2004
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