V8 to v7 compatability...

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by redbyrd, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. redbyrd

    redbyrd Guest

    I received a design file in V8 format, but I need it in v7. So I
    opened the file the V8 file in V8 and saved as v7. In doing so 6 new
    files were created. One being the "active elements" the others I
    presume are the different sheet views? Anyway, I am still having
    problems. I tried coping <from the new generated v7 file> the elements
    I wanted, But when I tried to paste them into an exisiting v7 file, all
    I got was a bunch of text describing the objects I wanted. I new V8
    was new and everything, but give me a break....
    redbyrd, Dec 29, 2004
  2. It's difficult to say what might be happening based on the information provided. You might want to consider posting this (with
    additional information, like sample data sets, versions of software being used, settings chosen when saving the V8 DGN file, etc.)
    in the Bentley discussion groups (and/or logging a Service Request at http://appsnet.bentley.com/srmanager). For more information on
    the Bentley discussion groups, please see http://discussion.bentley.com/help/.

    Phil Chouinard [www.Bentley.com]
    Phil Chouinard [Bentley], Dec 31, 2004
  3. redbyrd

    Tim Arheit Guest

    I've never found copying and pasting in MS very reliable. So normaly
    I just reference in the file and copy them into the current file.

    Tim Arheit, Jan 3, 2005
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