V8 raster manager ??

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Petrie Swart, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Petrie Swart

    Petrie Swart Guest

    Hi all,

    In v7 (j) the raster manager had an option to toggle loaded images on and
    off (display / not display). Does the new raster manager in V8 have the same
    functionality and if so, where can I find it?


    Petrie Swart (Sole Proprietor)
    PS Solutions
    -- Photogrammetry / Soft Copy WS
    -- Aerial Triangulation
    -- 3D Modelling
    -- GIS
    -- Software Development
    Tel(H) : +27 031 2015084
    FAX : +27 031 2015084
    Tel(C) : 072 930 5666
    e-mail :
    Petrie Swart, Aug 3, 2005
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