V7 to V8

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Brad, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. Brad

    Brad Guest

    We are presently running V7, which was originally acquired through an
    Intergraph contract. My company has finally commenced with the purchase of
    a Bentley Select contract. My question, is moving to V8 and upgrade from V7
    or is it necessary to uninstall V7 and install V8 clean? Thanks

    Brad, Aug 31, 2006
  2. Brad

    Herndobler Guest

    V8 is a seperate package. Currently I have J, V8, and V8 XM edition
    installed on my machine.
    Herndobler, Aug 31, 2006
  3. Brad

    jbmcclain Guest

    Yes you can have all of them on your machine. FYI be cautious on work
    in v7 work mode. Even though your in v8 your design limits are still
    very small when you close out of your design file.
    If your licsons are pulled from select server for each microstaion
    onpend it will take one out.
    jbmcclain, Sep 1, 2006
  4. Brad

    Brad Guest

    Thanks allot for you help.
    Brad, Sep 15, 2006
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