Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Guest, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Can anyone tell me the syntax/operators for MSBATCH to convert a folder of
    3D to 2D and also a folder of DGN to DWG?


    Emily Square
    Co Kildare
    Tel: +353 (0)507 32888
    Fax: +353 (0)507 32893

    Guest, Jul 24, 2003
  2. Guest

    Jon Summers Guest

    Ray ...
    @echo off
    rem Edited version of \MicroStation\msbatch.bat
    rem Converts 3D=>2D files using delivered cnvdgn.ma
    rem Command Line Syntax: msbatch cnvdgn <option1 option2 option3...>
    rem Example: (Convert 3D Design Files \dgn3d to 2D Files in \dgn2d)
    rem msbatch cnvdgn inname:\dgn3d\*.dgn outname:\dgn2d\
    rem Options:
    rem inname:<inputfilename> (May contain wildcards)
    rem outname:<outputfilename>
    rem view:<1-8>
    rem reference:<none|merge|maintain|convert>
    rem elevtype:<fixed|conzlo|conzhi|elemzlo|elemzhi> (2d => 3d only)
    rem elevation:<elevation value> (2d => 3d only)
    rem pauseScreen:<on|off>
    rem runwait ustation -wa%1 -i%2 -i%3 -i%4 -i%5 -i%6 -i%7 -i%8 -i%9
    ustation -wacnvdgn -i"inname:L:\Maps\dgn3d\*.dgn" -i"outname:L:\Maps\dgn2d\"
    Jon Summers, Jul 24, 2003
  3. Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Jul 25, 2003
  4. 1 Create a folder titled "_Issue_Central" in the C drive
    2 Ensure that your PCF file locates all reference file paths and the
    location of DWGOUT
    3 decide if you want to Merge, Xref or ignore XREFFED autocad files
    4 Run the appropriate batch file


    msbatch dwgout input:c:\_issue_central\*.dgn outdwg createdwg

    Now dwg-merge.bas is a variation on a theme that is supplied with Ustn. The
    one BIG difference is that all cells are exported as unique cells
    if you dont do this they will all revert to a single size and scale (I
    strech my cells all the time)
    This is the content of my dwg-merge.bas

    ' $RCSfile: dwgcontrol.bas,v $
    ' $Revision: 1.8 $
    ' $Date: 2000/08/18 11:03:45 $
    ' DWG/DXF Import/Export MicroStation BASIC Extensions Control file - program
    ' --refer to dwgBasic.readme for brief description of each method or

    Sub Main

    ' Map orhpan cells to anonymous blocks under name *o:
    MbeBlockNameTable.addExportEntry "*o", ""
    ' Map fonts using true types if environment variable USE_TTF=1; otherwise
    ' map them using shape file names.
    Dim envVal as String
    if Val(MbeGetConfigVar ("USE_TTFF")) = 1 then
    MbeFontNameTable.addImportExportEntryFromFile "ttfont.tbl"
    MbeFontNameTable.addImportExportEntryFromFile "dwgfont.tbl"
    end if

    'MbeFontNameTable.addImportExportEntry "italic", "TXT", 191, 1.0, 15.0
    'MbeFontNameTable.addImportExportEntry "heading", "ARIAL", 151

    ' Map hatch to pattern cells
    MbeHatchTable.addImportEntryFromFile "dwghatch1.tbl"
    MbeHatchTable.addExportEntryFromFile "dwghatch2.tbl"
    ' Map weights to weights
    MbeWeightWeightTable.addImportEntryFromFile "dwgwtwt1.tbl", "MS_DWGTABLES"
    MbeWeightWeightTable.addExportEntryFromFile "dwgwtwt2.tbl", "MS_DWGTABLES"

    MbeDWGImportSettings.polylineWidthAs = MBE_Linestyle ' MBE_Shape,
    ' MBE_Linestyle,
    ' MBE_Weight,
    ' MBE_None
    MbeDWGImportSettings.ignoreEmptyLayers = MBE_Off ' MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.strokeSplines = MBE_Off ' MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.justifyText = MBE_On ' MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.convertACIS = MBE_Default ' MBE_Ignore,
    MBE_Wireframe, MBE_Default
    MbeDWGImportSettings.defaultFont = 191 ' any valid MS font
    MbeDWGImportSettings.createFileCell = MBE_Off 'MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.ignoreXData = MBE_Off 'MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.saveDGNSettings = MBE_Off 'MBE_On, MBE_Off

    MbeDWGExportSettings.ltScale = 0.5 ' any value > 0
    MbeDWGExportSettings.DXFPrecision = 6 ' any positive int
    MbeDWGExportSettings.refNameInLayer = MBE_Off ' MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGExportSettings.reverseTagOrder = MBE_Off ' MBE_On, MBE_Off

    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertNormalCell = MBE_Block_Unique

    MbeDWGExportSettings.ignoreBlankText = MBE_Off ' MBE_On, MBE_Off
    MbeDWGExportSettings.meshChordTolerance = 0.5 ' any value >= 0
    MbeDWGExportSettings.meshNormTolerance = 10.0 ' any value >= 0
    MbeDWGExportSettings.meshSizeTolerance = 0.0 ' any value >= 0
    MbeDWGExportSettings.splineSegs = 10 ' any positive int
    MbeDWGExportSettings.ACISVersion = MBE_ACIS300 'MBE_ACIS105
    MbeDWGExportSettings.levelsTurnedOff = MBE_LevelsOff_Ignore

    MbeDWGExportSettings.defaultFont = "txt.shx" ' any valid ACAD
    shape file name
    MbeDWGExportSettings.planarLineString = MBE_Polyline_2D '
    MbeDWGExportSettings.bsplineCurve = MBE_BCURVE_Parameters '
    MbeDWGExportSettings.dimensionStyle = "MSADIM"
    MbeDWGExportSettings.constructionClassLayer = "CONSTRUCTION_CLASS"
    MbeDWGExportSettings.patternClassLayer = "PATTERN_CLASS"
    ' If environment variable COPY_RASTER_FILES=1, then copy raster attachments
    ' to the exported DWG directory:
    if Val(MbeGetConfigVar ("COPY_RASTER_FILES")) = 1 then
    MbeDWGExportSettings.copyRasterFileTo = "*"
    end if
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertRotatedViewToUcs = MBE_Off ' MBE_On,
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertSpecialCharacters = MBE_On ' MBE_On,

    ' Following section is reserved for DWG applications to read/write GUI
    ' Thus this file is required to be on a local directory. This section is
    ' automatically by the GUI. Thus any manual editing here may be
    overridden by
    ' the DWG application's dialog boxes.
    'Begin Auto Edit
    MbeLevelTable.addImportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwglevel.tbl",
    MbeWeightColor.addImportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgwtco.tbl"
    MbeLineStyle.addImportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgline.tbl"
    MbeColorTable.addImportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgcolor.tbl"
    MbeCharTable.addImportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgchar.tbl"
    MbeDWGImportSettings.xRefNestDepth = 10
    Dim point0 as MbePoint
    point0.x = 0#
    point0.y = 0#
    point0.z = 0#
    stat = MbeDWGImportSettings.setOrigin (point0)
    MbeDWGImportSettings.shiftGlobalOrigin = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.importFrozenLayers = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.mapWeightColor = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.displayElement = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.compressFractions = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.mapCharacters = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGImportSettings.useLineStyles = MBE_On
    MbeDWGImportSettings.resolveXRef = MBE_XRefAlways
    MbeDWGImportSettings.unitsMode = MBE_Master
    MbeDWGImportSettings.cellMode = MBE_Components
    MbeDWGImportSettings.colorMode = MBE_MstnPalette
    MbeDWGImportSettings.convertAttributes = MBE_Tags
    MbeLevelTable.addExportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwglevel.tbl",
    MbeWeightColor.addExportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgwtco.tbl"
    MbeLineStyle.addExportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgline.tbl"
    MbeColorTable.addExportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgcolor.tbl"
    MbeCharTable.addExportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgchar.tbl"
    MbeWeightWidth.addExportEntryFromFile "m:\cad\prefs\dwgdata\dwgwtwd.tbl"
    MbeDWGExportSettings.refSourceView = 1
    MbeDWGExportSettings.masterSourceView = 1
    MbeDWGExportSettings.numberOfColors = 8
    MbeDWGExportSettings.seedDWGFile = ""
    MbeDWGExportSettings.overrideLevelNames = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGExportSettings.expandFractions = MBE_On
    MbeDWGExportSettings.useColorMapping = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGExportSettings.useCharMapping = MBE_Off
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertWeight = MBE_WeightAs_ColorLabel
    MbeDWGExportSettings.defaultRefMode = MBE_MergeRef
    MbeDWGExportSettings.defaultClippedRefMode = MBE_MergeRef
    MbeDWGExportSettings.defaultSelfRefMode = MBE_MergeRef
    MbeDWGExportSettings.resolveRefAttachments = MBE_XRefAlways
    MbeDWGExportSettings.unitsMode = MBE_Master
    MbeDWGExportSettings.dwgVersion = MBE_DWGVER_13
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertShapes = MBE_Shape_As_Polyline
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertSmallFilledShapes = MBE_Shape_As_Solid
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertSmallShapes = MBE_Shape_As_Polyline
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertWideLineCode = MBE_LStyleOpt_PolyLine
    MbeDWGExportSettings.convertComplexLStyle = MBE_LStyleOpt_SingleLine
    MbeDWGExportSettings.dxfOutOption = MBE_DXFFile_Complete
    'End Auto Edit
    'Begin User Override
    ' Below example shows a way of centralized control of translation. All
    ' standard settings are placed in dwgstandard.bas which is, by default,
    ' located on $(_USTN_SITE)tables\dwg. This file can be shared over the
    ' network such that GUI settings on each terminal always get overridden
    ' by the the settings in that file.
    'MbeAddDwgBasicFile ("dwgstandard.bas")
    'End User Override
    end sub

    We have some special mappings, but you should be able to get the basics
    Anthony and Kirsty, Jul 29, 2003
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