utility to combine .dwgs into one

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Are there any utilities out there that will let you select a directory
    that contains individual .dwg files and will iterate through those,
    inserting each .dwg file onto individual layouts in one big .dwg
    Steve, Nov 13, 2003
  2. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Anyone? I'm sure there's got to be someone else out there that's
    needed this at one point or another, too...

    If there's already one out there, I'd really like to get a copy. If
    not, is there enough interest from others if I get one developed?

    Thanks for your feedback.
    Steve, Nov 26, 2003
  3. Steve

    Robert Guest

    gosh i would not want to be the cpu to open up such a drawing if i was to
    group the 2356 files in my directory the 3 gig dwg extension even if you
    where to put them in a separate layer for each the drawing would be humongus
    3 weeks later the cpu would be running at 100% capacity and still opening
    imagine the regen command yould take years to see the results



    Robert, Nov 29, 2003
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