using vla-add* -- converting types

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by biot023, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. biot023

    biot023 Guest

    Hallo - I'm having real trouble passing data to the vla-addArc command.
    I'm afraid I'm just generally lost.
    The code (for what it's worth) that I am using is as follows:

    (defun 3dPoint->2dPoint (3dpt)
    (list (float(car 3dpt)) (float(cadr 3dpt)))
    ) ;_ end of defun

    (defun list->variantArray (ptsList / arraySpace sArray)
    ; allocate space for an array of 2d points stored as doubles
    (setq arraySpace
    vlax-vbdouble ; element type
    (cons 0
    (- (length ptsList) 1)
    ) ; array dimension

    (setq sArray (vlax-safearray-fill arraySpace ptsList))
    ; return array variant
    (vlax-make-variant sArray)

    (defun djl:arc (ctr rad angstart angend / pts obj)
    (setq pts (apply 'append (mapcar '3dPoint->2dPoint (list ctr)))
    pts (list->variantArray pts)
    rad (vlax-make-variant rad vlax-vbdouble)
    angstart (vlax-make-variant angstart vlax-vbdouble)
    angend (vlax-make-variant angend vlax-vbdouble)
    obj (vla-addArc *ModelSpace*
    rad angstart
    );_end setq
    (vla-put-closed obj T)
    );_end defun

    I know this is a mess - I don't really get all the vla stuff, yet.
    Can anyone offer any light?
    Thanks alot,
    biot023, Oct 14, 2004
  2. Doug,

    It looks like you didn't "translate" the ActiveX documentation too well. In
    your primary function there are these issues:

    The Center property is documented as requiring a 3D point. Your code makes
    that argument into a 2D point.
    You make the radius argument into a variant, which is not required. The docs
    clearly show a Double is all that is needed.
    You make the starting angle argument into a variant, which is not required.
    The docs clearly show a Double is all that is needed.
    You make the ending angle argument into a variant, which is not required.
    The docs clearly show a Double is all that is needed.
    You attempt to change a Closed property for the Arc object, but there is no
    property for that in the Arc object.

    (defun C:Test ()
    (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSpecify center point: "))
    (setq radius (getdist pt1 "\nSpecify radius: "))
    (setq angStart (getangle "\nSpecify starting angle: "))
    (setq angEnd (getangle "\nSpecify ending angle: "))
    (vla-AddArc (vla-Get-ModelSpace (vla-Get-ActiveDocument
    (vlax-3D-Point pt1)

    R. Robert Bell

    Hallo - I'm having real trouble passing data to the vla-addArc command.
    I'm afraid I'm just generally lost.
    The code (for what it's worth) that I am using is as follows:

    (defun 3dPoint->2dPoint (3dpt)
    (list (float(car 3dpt)) (float(cadr 3dpt)))
    ) ;_ end of defun

    (defun list->variantArray (ptsList / arraySpace sArray)
    ; allocate space for an array of 2d points stored as doubles
    (setq arraySpace
    vlax-vbdouble ; element type
    (cons 0
    (- (length ptsList) 1)
    ) ; array dimension

    (setq sArray (vlax-safearray-fill arraySpace ptsList))
    ; return array variant
    (vlax-make-variant sArray)

    (defun djl:arc (ctr rad angstart angend / pts obj)
    (setq pts (apply 'append (mapcar '3dPoint->2dPoint (list ctr)))
    pts (list->variantArray pts)
    rad (vlax-make-variant rad vlax-vbdouble)
    angstart (vlax-make-variant angstart vlax-vbdouble)
    angend (vlax-make-variant angend vlax-vbdouble)
    obj (vla-addArc *ModelSpace*
    rad angstart
    );_end setq
    (vla-put-closed obj T)
    );_end defun

    I know this is a mess - I don't really get all the vla stuff, yet.
    Can anyone offer any light?
    Thanks alot,
    R. Robert Bell, Oct 14, 2004
  3. biot023

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Doug

    Why complicated?
    (defun djl:arc (ctr rad angstart angend / pts obj)
    (setq pts (vlax-3d-point ctr)
    obj (vla-addArc *ModelSpace*
    rad angstart
    );_end setq
    ; (vla-put-closed obj T) ;<- arc has no close property
    );_end defun
    Jürg Menzi, Oct 14, 2004
  4. biot023

    biot023 Guest

    Thanks very much for your replies -- obviously both have really sorted this out for me.
    As you can see, I'm very much a beginner in VLISP, & the helpfulness of people on this board cannot be overestimated.
    (& sorry for when my god-awful code offends anyone's sensibilities!)
    Cheers again,
    biot023, Oct 15, 2004
  5. biot023

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    Jürg Menzi, Oct 15, 2004
  6. Glad to help! At least you were brave enough to ask the question and post
    your code. ;^)

    R. Robert Bell

    Thanks very much for your replies -- obviously both have really sorted this
    out for me.
    As you can see, I'm very much a beginner in VLISP, & the helpfulness of
    people on this board cannot be overestimated.
    (& sorry for when my god-awful code offends anyone's sensibilities!)
    Cheers again,
    R. Robert Bell, Oct 16, 2004
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