Using the Waveform Access Library (WAL)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Nadine, May 14, 2005.

  1. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    Hi all,

    I need to use the WAL to extract data from a simulation run.

    However, I fail to even get started with the "hello world" example from
    chapter 11 of the OSS reference: I installed all of IC5141 but still
    haven't got a
    voCompiler.h or virtuos.a (BTW that name is spelled both virtous.a and
    virtuos.a in the OSS ref).
    I managed to get away without voCompiler.h, but now linking fails with
    "undefined reference to `voCopyString'".

    Do I need to install any other component for these files?

    Nadine, May 14, 2005
  2. Hm... looks like there are packaging and/or documentation bugs here.

    voCompiler.h is a trivial header which just defines CDS_BEGIN_FUNCS and
    CDS_END_FUNCS as (I'm doing this from memory):

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #define CDS_BEGIN_FUNCS extern "C" {
    #define CDS_END_FUNCS }
    #define CDS_BEGIN_FUNCS
    #define CDS_END_FUNCS

    I don't see a virtuos.a in the IC5.1.41 install, either; however, you
    should be able to use in tools/lib. When linking your
    executable, add:
    -L$CDS_INST_DIR/tools/lib -lvirtuos_sh
    to the end and it should (hopefully) work.

    You will need to have $CDS_INST_DIR/tools/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    (on Linux or Sun) or SHLIB_PATH (on HP-UX or AIX) when running the
    executable. (You can also add it to the rpath when linking, but there
    are caveats...)

    (The name should be virtuos, which stands for VirtualOS.)
    David Cuthbert, May 14, 2005
  3. Nadine

    Erik Wanta Guest

    What is WAL? Which tools uses it? Does Cadence recommend using it?
    Erik Wanta, May 16, 2005
  4. It's an API for accessing waveforms in WSF format - look in the OSS reference
    manual for more details.

    I'd say WSF is pretty much obsolete, and would not recommend anyone starting
    any new developments based on it. Note, this is a personal opinion - I've not
    checked internally for an official viewpoint on this.


    Andrew Beckett, May 16, 2005
  5. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    Hi David,


    Thank you for this information. I was able to compile the example this
    I had to link the wal.a into a dynamic library and use dlopen to access
    on a non-RH7.2 box due to references to errno and __ctype_b, but that
    expected and not a big deal. It works just fine now.

    Nadine, May 16, 2005
  6. Nadine

    Nadine Guest

    That's a pity to hear. To my knowledge (from searching the web) it is
    WSF and the nutmeg format that are both accessible from C and supported
    by spectre. I really would hate having to go through Ocean (including
    all the overhead of spawning the process, feeding it the right
    commands, converting the
    data to ASCII and back, propably leading to a loss of precision) just
    to read the simulation data.

    A few years ago you mentioned that a package "SRR" would one day be
    available to read PSF:
    Any news on this? (BTW: Where can I search for a PCR number on the new
    sourcelink home?)

    Nadine, May 16, 2005
  7. I'm not really sure how universally supported WSF is with spectre. For a
    start, it's not been the primary output format for many, many years, and so I
    personally wouldn't want to trust my life on it! Again, this is a personal
    view (as is everything I post here).
    I mentioned the PCR number in that posting. The documentation and libraries
    will be available to customers as a "special" product I believe (I don't know
    the details). I think you need to speak to your account manager, and they'll
    need to contact spectre product engineering for more details.


    Andrew Beckett, May 16, 2005
  8. Nadine

    Satya Mishra Guest

    Nadine> Date: 16 May 2005 02:52:19 -0700

    Nadine> Thank you for this information. I was able to compile the
    Nadine> example this way. I had to link the wal.a into a dynamic
    Nadine> library and use dlopen to access it on a non-RH7.2 box due
    Nadine> to references to errno and __ctype_b, but that was
    Nadine> expected and not a big deal. It works just fine now.


    Watch out for the AC data. I was trying to use WAL a year ago, and
    could not get it to read AC (complex) data due to a bug in WAL. I
    talked to the Cadence AE. No use.

    Then recently I found that Aptivia has some libraries for reading PSF
    files using MATLAB. There might be a library to read PSF in C embedded
    in there.

    Satya Mishra, May 16, 2005
  9. Nah... beyond 16 decimal places, printf() is just making stuff up.

    An IEEE 754 double precision floating-point number (which is what SKILL
    uses) has 52 mantissa (fraction) bits plus one implicit character
    (integer) bit. log10(2^53) is roughly 15.95, which rounds up to 16.

    The reason why printf() thinks it can go beyond 16 decimal places is
    because it keeps multiplying an imprecise floating-point fraction by 10.

    I have attached a C program which illustrates this. It prints out the
    floating-point number 1.0000000000000002 (== 1 + 2*10^-16), the next
    representable floating-point number after 1.0, in both hexadecimal
    (base-16) form along with the standard printf %lf, %.16lf, and %.22lf forms.

    It also implements its own version of printf's %lf formatter so you can
    play with what's going on under the hood.

    The output you will see is:

    hexform: +0x1.0000000000001e+000
    %lf form: 1.000000
    %.16lf form: 1.0000000000000002
    %.22lf form: 1.0000000000000002220446
    print_double: 1.0000000000000002220446

    You can see that it's making up numbers at the end.

    What's going on? To your machine, 1 + 2*10^-16 and 1 + 2^-52 have the
    same representation. Of course, it doesn't maintain a decimal
    representation under the hood, so 1 + 2^-52 is used. 2^-52 is roughly
    2.2204460492503131*10^-16... look familiar?

    David Cuthbert dacut at cadence dot com
    Cadence Design Systems +1 (412) 599-1820

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>

    #define GET_SIGN(x) ((uint64_t)(((x) & 0x8000000000000000ULL) != 0))
    #define GET_EXPONENT(x) ((uint64_t)(((x) & 0x7ff0000000000000ULL) >> 52))
    #define GET_MANTISSA(x) ((uint64_t)((x) & 0x000fffffffffffffULL))

    void print_double(double d, int nplaces)
    int i, integral_portion;

    integral_portion = (int) d;
    printf("%d.", integral_portion);
    d -= (double) integral_portion;

    for (i = 0; i < nplaces; ++i) {
    d *= 10.0;
    integral_portion = (int) d;
    printf("%d", integral_portion);
    d -= (double) integral_portion;


    int main()
    double d;
    uint64_t *b = (uint64_t *) &d;

    d = 1.0000000000000002;
    printf("hexform: %s0x1.%013llxe+%03llx\n"
    "%%lf form: %lf\n"
    "%%.16lf form: %.16lf\n"
    "%%.22lf form: %.22lf\n"
    "print_double: ",
    (GET_SIGN(*b) ? "-" : "+"),
    GET_EXPONENT(*b) - 1023,

    print_double(d, 22);

    return 0;
    David Cuthbert, May 18, 2005
  10. Nadine

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Also transcendental functions accuracy after 35 bits is also somewhat
    open to debate. (re )

    Anyone who needs >10 digits of accurracy without understanding precision
    always has me a bit worried!

    -- Gerry
    G Vandevalk, May 18, 2005
  11. Nadine

    fogh Guest

    Thanks for the clear answer, Dave.
    fogh, May 22, 2005
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