Using Spice Macromodels in Cadence

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Umut Arslan, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. Umut Arslan

    Umut Arslan Guest


    I have the spice macromodel of the device I want to simulate. What is
    the way to use Spice macromodels in Cadence simulations (I don't want
    to convert the code into schematic)?

    Umut Arslan, Feb 9, 2004
  2. 1. Create a symbol for the component.
    2. Copy that symbol to a view called "spectre" in the library manager
    3. Do Tools->CDF->Edit CDF in the CIW
    4. Change the form to "Base", and pick the cell.
    5. Go down to the "Simulation Information" section, and click on the Edit
    6. Change the simulator to "spectre", and then:
    Fill in the Terminal Order as the names of the symbol pins, in the
    order in which they occur in the spice macromodel subckt header.
    Either specify the component name as the name of the subckt, or
    specify the component name as "subcircuit", and add a parameter
    (further up the CDF form) called either "model" or "macro", where the
    default value is the name of the subckt.

    Then when you create a schematic, and have it wired up, and start
    Tools->Analog Design Environment, you can then include the macro
    model as a model file.

    A little brief explanation (but it's from memory)...


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 13, 2004
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