Using SpectreHDL in Artist: How to create symbol for ahdl(SpectreHDL) views

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Zhiheng Cao, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. Zhiheng Cao

    Zhiheng Cao Guest

    Dear Cadence,

    I could not find information on how to assign pins in the symbol, and
    how to set parameters required by the spectreHDL module.

    When I tried just giving pins the same name as the argument,
    I got errors:

    Running Artist Hierarchical Netlisting ...
    \o ERROR: Netlister: unable to descend into any of the views defined in the
    list: "spectreS spice cmos_sch cmos.sch schematic veriloga ahdl" for
    instance I
    22 in cell dsm.
    \o Either add one of these views to: Library: DSM25 Cell: logger or modify
    the v
    iew list to contain an existing view.
    \o End netlisting Feb 9 21:50:31 2005
    \o "Netlister: There were errors, no netlist was produced."

    "logger" is a cell containing "ahdl" and "symbol", when I open the ahdl
    view, I can see my SpectreHDL code, where a module named "logger"
    is defined.


    Zhiheng Cao, Feb 10, 2005
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