Using Solidworks 2003 and developing drawing standards

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tim@Kann, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. Tim@Kann

    Tim@Kann Guest

    We are in the process of implementing Solidworks and developing
    standards for our engineering group. We are doing allot of family part
    drawings with design tables and trying to figure out how to keep track of
    say a rectangular tube cut to various lengths using design tables where
    another engineer would not duplicate the drawing. We would like to start a
    set of drawing standards which include drawing structure and naming
    (nomenclature). Is anyone willing to share their standards with us that we
    may modify or build upon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Tim@Kann, Aug 12, 2003
  2. Tim@Kann

    Arlin Guest

    Just a thought regarding drawing structure and nomenclature:

    NEVER USE INTELLIGENT PART NUMBERS!!! Part numbers are just a unique
    identifier for a part, no more. They should just be some number. Start
    with 1 (or something like 10000000) and assign all part numbers
    sequentially. Part numbers should in no way describe the part or how it
    is used. This allows for flexibility down the road when the part's
    description or use, or how it is made changes.

    I also suggest keeping the drawing #s the same as your part #s.

    For tabulated drawings, what we do is make the tabulated drawing using a
    design table that lists the part according to part number. Then, we
    make a "pointer drawing" for each part number that only states 'See
    drawing XXXXXXXX' for details.

    Thus, say we have a model named 123 that contains configurations (using
    a design table) for part numbers 456 & 789. We make a drawing named 123
    that shows the model and design table to completely document all
    configurations (456 & 789) on that single drawing. We also make
    drawings for 456 & 789, but the only thing on these drawings is a note
    saying 'SEE DRAWING 123 FOR DETAILS.'

    This is the way we do things, and think it works pretty well. You could
    also use a dash (XXX-YYY) number system to designate configuration YYY
    of part XXX, but I would advise against this. What happens if (for
    whatever reason) you decide to remove 123-456 from the design table and
    create a separate model for it?

    Like Wayne mentioned, Lee has a nice tutorial on tabulated drawings and
    design table to help you out as well.
    Arlin, Aug 12, 2003
  3. Tim@Kann

    Tim@Kann Guest

    Thank you for the help, I downloaded the file on it. I'll research it and
    see what happens. Trying to get the drafting standards started however is
    our biggest hurdle currently. Part of it has to do with the actually
    description of parts. As far as part numbers our drawing numbers they are
    just 7 digit numbers with each tabulated part having a dash 01, 02, ect.
    Tim@Kann, Aug 12, 2003
  4. Try this...

    Bruce A.

    Bruce Anderson, Aug 12, 2003
  5. Tim@Kann

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    I definitely agree that for normal parts, do not use intelligent part
    numbers. Sequential numbers are much easier in the end.

    However, Standard Parts, such as Nuts, bolts, tubes, pipes, extruded
    sections and anything else that is regarded as a Standard Part and possibly
    created using a Design Table, should put in the Feature Palette, That being
    so, it becomes a lot more logical to use intelligent part numbers based on
    Shape/Size/Length/Material etc. This would help your production department
    when two parts are called up with only the length being different, as it
    would be readily recognised as being the same form material.

    A macro can also be created to added new configurations and generate a new
    number automatically based on the form. I did this at my last job and it
    enabled other users to add a new length and Part Number at the click of a

    The other advantage with intelligent part numbers for Standard Parts, is
    that similar/related parts would be stocked adjacent to each other. Also
    when searching for parts in your CAD system or Feature Palette, all
    similar/related parts would be adjacent to each other.
    Tony O'Hara, Aug 12, 2003
  6. Tim@Kann

    Erik Guest

    There is a book "Engineering Documentation Control Handbook" by Frank
    B. Watts. I referenced it when setting up the part numbering system
    in my department and also used it when we set up our drafting
    standards. There is an ANSI standard (14.1 maybe?) which helps for
    setting up borders and such. These two references should help.

    Erik, Aug 13, 2003
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