using radio buttons in pcells

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by rick, May 27, 2010.

  1. rick

    rick Guest

    Thanks for all of the help so far, this thing is actually
    working!....just need to add a few features

    I would like to include a radio button in this pcell that turns on/off
    the taps. Based on the handful of previous
    posts, this needs to be done with the CDF's. The code below
    creates the tap but doesnt there need to be
    an if/then statement or something? I was unable to find an example

    ntapId = dbOpenCellViewByType("tsmc13rf" "M1_NWELL"
    ntapInst=dbCreateParamInst(cv ntapId
    "ntapWell" 0:0 "R0" 1 list(
    list("row" "int" 1)
    list("column" "int" 5)
    ntapWell = rodGetObj("ntapWell" cv)
    rodAlign(?alignObj ntapWell ?alignHandle "lowerCenter" ?ySep
    halfHeight-0.39 ?xSep 1.5 )
    rick, May 27, 2010
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