Using ProE after SolidWorks - how hard can that be?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Flynt, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. Flynt

    Flynt Guest

    I am an experienced SWX user. I have a new customer who would like me
    to use ProE. How big a step is that? I refer not to cost, but the user

    Flynt, Jan 9, 2008
  2. Flynt

    j Guest

    Hopefully you have a good hair replacement insurance policy. The
    learning curve is not to bad. It's like any other program but it
    definitely does things different. If you're proficient with SW then you
    should pick up Pro fairly easy. The thing I didn't like was that it
    automatically dimensioned everything but you could drag a line and the
    dimension would change. If you wanted it to be a specific dimension, you
    had to manually lock the dimension to prevent it from changing. Then you
    had to remember to go back and unlock it so that it would update if you
    had it liked to another feature. And you are constantly changing the
    dimensions to a "driven" dimension since it usually didn't dimension it
    the way it would need to be.
    j, Jan 9, 2008
  3. Flynt

    zxys Guest

    And,... you're a Pro/e user, a expert... and/or, you've never really
    used Pro/e,... just got frustrated with it and talked about it over a
    few beers (or 6+).

    I have to tell this story again,... I did a review of a design I had
    completed in SW2005 (fully relational master model (curves/surfaces)
    to solid/sheetmetal models and > 200 megs)) and the head manager of
    the program started slamming Pro/e saying it sucked and that he
    personally pulled to plug on PTC,.. blah, blah,.. as I was doing the
    presentation,... (fucking clueless manager who NEVER really used Pro/
    e!!!),.. he then asked how I laid out my design,... I said, I did it
    just like I would have designed it in Pro/e,... The guy goes off (not
    happy cuz he's a typical clueless power sucking ego head) saying he
    did not pay (nothing in the contract) for the design to be layout like
    that,.. blah, blah,...
    I said, well, I'm finished with the design and if you want it done
    YOUR way (basically, no relationships and NO surfaces), you'll have to
    pay someone else to do it or export the data as Parasolid (dumb),...
    (how sweet!!)
    I luv it when nazi managers realize I'm NOT their whipping boy!! I
    refused to work with this guy because everytime he called me he wanted
    to get me to do something because he couldn't get me to change it his
    way (the typical asshole manager). So, last thing I did for he was,
    save the asm data as Parasolid because,... THEY DID NOT KNOW WHAT
    PARASOLID WAS!?!?!!?? (idiots!!)
    Over 1.5 years later,.. the SAME manager MILKED that project to the
    very end,... My data was NEVER changed or updated to his way,... I
    LUV IT!!

    zxys, Jan 10, 2008
  4. If you don't take the short bus to work you shouldn't have any problems.
    gluteous maximus equus, Jan 10, 2008
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