using perspective with animator

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Lee Bazalgette, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I wondered if anyone had any tips for using perspective and animator. It
    seems to me as though the way SW handles perspective is all a bit funny, so
    if you do an exploded view, for example, and animate it the view changes
    constantly to reflect the new size of the view-port.

    Since there is no 'camera', at least not to my knowledge, how can you get
    round this so that the prespective doesn't keep changing?


    Lee Bazalgette, Aug 19, 2004
  2. Or a very large part that is hidden, or was it invisible I don't remember
    one of them worked.

    Corey Scheich, Aug 20, 2004
  3. Yes, here is the original article...

    You may also want to try the lens trick...

    *) Revolve a single surface in the shape of a magnifying glass lens.
    *) Attach a glass material to it and play with the refraction setting
    *) Set 'Specular' to '0'
    *) Set 'Roughness' to '1'
    *) Set 'Reflectivity to '0'
    *) Set Transmission to '1'

    Drop this into your assembly and render the model through the lens.
    This way you can leave Perpective View OFF.

    This is how I was able to make my 'view from security camera'
    rendering here...

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Aug 20, 2004
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