Using osnaps inside GRREAD loop ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jesse Danes, May 8, 2004.

  1. Jesse Danes

    Jesse Danes Guest

    Is there a means to have osnaps active within a (grread) loop ?

    I am trying to use grread loops to create custom LINE, PLINE and INSERT
    commands with some additional features. The only drawback I cannot seem
    to find a solution for is that there doesn't seem to be any way to
    use osnaps while in the grread loop. Did I miss something here or is
    this just not possible ?


    Jesse Danes, May 8, 2004
  2. GRREAD has far more problems than you've noted.

    The user doesn't have any use of the keyboard for
    anything (such as coordinate entry format options,
    direct distance entry, immediate osnap, point
    filters, etc.), that is, other than what's manually
    implemented (i've seen attempts at it, and never
    did one come close to complete emulation).

    There is no support for polar snap/tracking, object
    tracking, auto-tracking, osnap markers, and so on.
    There is no support for menus (including the mouse
    buttons) at all.

    Given that its either impracticle or impossible to
    support the aformentioned features, GRREAD is not
    what I consider an acceptable way to emulate AutoCAD's
    standard coordinate entry mechanism, if that's what
    the intention is.

    The only place where it is useful is in things like
    SKETCH, and REVCLOUD (e.g, where 'precision' is not
    a primary concern).
    Tony Tanzillo, May 8, 2004
  3. Jesse Danes

    Jesse Danes Guest

    This is my observation as well, however there are some other instances
    where its been working very well. Many of the aforementioned problems
    were circumvented by adding conditional statements for particular key
    presses then either reacting directly or dropping into a subprompt for
    user input, for example: grread command prompt [Regen/Axis/Zoom/Point]
    pressing A (Axis) would alternate the forced origin axis of the line in
    progress between X and Y, pressing Z (Zoom) would drop into a command
    loop (vl-cmdf "_.rtpan"). Pressing P (Point) would drop into a
    (getpoint) loop for user input, and so forth. It doesn't take long to
    realize one has opened up a real can of worms in taking this approach
    because now everything normally available at the AutoCAD command prompt
    must be emulated, and many of the standard features are not available.
    Its a real tradeoff in deciding if its worth the effort since creating a
    grread loops does offer some attractive possibilities such as using the
    (nentselp) function with a point argument taken from the mouse position
    tracking argument of (grread) to detect drawing objects on mouse-over
    and, for example, (entget ename '("APPNAME")) extracting application
    data and displaying it to the AutoCAD command prompt or bubble text
    using (grvecs). Again on the downside, this effectively creates another
    entry system alltogether which is dissimilar from AutoCAD's standard
    entry system, and takes the user a little getting used to. Fortunately
    those testing the programs haven't had any problems or suggested its all
    that awkward to use, infact many have liked the extended functionality.
    But its certainly come with a heavy development cost. Given the above
    functionality, I've considered the idea of emulating object snaps as
    well, but I had really hoped to avoid having to.

    The only other possibility I can think of for creating an entry system
    which more closely matches AutoCAD's native entry system is by using
    AutoCAD's native commands directly (i.e. LINE) and triggering a series
    of reactors (e.g. :vlr-commandBegin and :vlr-commandEnded) which in turn
    perform any interrim operations needed to the newly created objects and
    re-initiate another call to the command which triggered the reactor.
    But here again this also presents its own world of management problems.

    Would you have any other suggestions ?


    Jesse Danes
    Jesse Danes, May 9, 2004
  4. Jesse Danes

    John Uhden Guest

    You have to be clever. Yes, it's a lot of work because you have to emulate what
    might otherwise be available. You have to weigh the benefits vs. the deficits
    and come up with what works best (as close as you can get). If you checkout my
    LABEL_IT routine, there is some emulation that Autodesk doesn't naturally
    provide, namely showing both endpoints of a segment. Yes, it uses (grread) and
    yes, it was a pain in the butt.
    John Uhden, May 10, 2004
  5. You're probably not going to like this, but I'm going to
    say it anyway....

    While it may be your opinion that resorting to kludges
    only to make it possible to support other kludges, like
    displaying entity data in a bubble using (grvecs), and
    regard all of it as acceptable, my opinion is that opinions
    about how to correctly solve problems seem to be designed
    to serve the interests of the problem solver, rather than
    the interests of those who need and use the solution.

    That is mainly because in almost every case, those opinions
    serve the need to avoid having to acknowledge that while
    there is a better solution to a given problem, the one who
    is responsible for solving the problem one may not have the
    prerequisite skills and experience with the tools needed to
    realize that superior solution.

    When there is problem that must be solved, which would require
    me to resort to totally unreasonable kludges, in preference to a
    superior solution which requires the use of tools that may
    not be within my own skills set, I have no choice but to do what
    I regard as the professionally and socially responsible thing,
    which is to swallow my pride and muster the courage to tell
    those who are signing the checks, that they need to seek out the
    services of others who are qualified to use the tools needed to
    solve the problem, THE RIGHT WAY.

    If I were to propose and attempt to defend outrageous kludges
    as the preferred means of providing a relatively inferior solution
    to a problem, and did so only to protect myself; to serve my own
    job security interests; or avoid having to acknowledge that I do
    not have the required skills and experience using the right tool
    for the job, I would call that fraudulent; a betrayal of those who
    depend on me and sign my paycheck; and highly detrimental to those
    whom I work with and/or serve.

    That is why I have long since concluded that the 'clever' thing
    to do, was to emerge from a virtual state of denial about my own
    lack of skills; bite the bullet, and learn to use the right tools
    needed to do job the way it should be done, rather than subscribe
    to some rediculously egotistical idea that the need to credit myself
    with the solutions, is far more imporant than the soundness and
    quality of those solutions.

    That's about all I have to say about this.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 10, 2004
  6. Having thrust myself uninvited into previous threads you
    have participated in and offered my opinion, whatever that
    may or may not be worth, I have to comment here, if for
    nothing else than to satisfy my own sense of fairness.

    Having said that, I must say that I agree with the core
    principles of your post, despite the fact that portions of
    this may in fact apply to myself.

    You're probably not going to like this, but I'm going to
    say it anyway....

    While it may be your opinion that resorting to kludges
    only to make it possible to support other kludges, like
    displaying entity data in a bubble using (grvecs), and
    regard all of it as acceptable, my opinion is that opinions
    about how to correctly solve problems seem to be designed
    to serve the interests of the problem solver, rather than
    the interests of those who need and use the solution.

    michael puckett, May 10, 2004
  7. Having said that, I must say that I agree with the core
    The truth of the matter is that they apply to all of us,
    myself included. It's not a question of black or white,
    because we all have conflicting interests. it's more a
    matter of how we manage those confecting interests, and
    the extents we will go, to cater to our own interests,
    and risk the possibility of becoming practitioners of false
    or semi-legitimate ideas.

    I realized long back that it became much harder for me to
    justify 'kludgy' solutions like those discussed in this and
    other threads, that were limited to only those tools I was
    most familiar with. That's why I concluded that it was time
    show some intestinal fortitude, and emerge from the security
    of that cozy little sandbox.

    I like having the run of the entire beach much better than
    having to continuously put forth semi-legitimate arguments
    in defense of the idea that my customers should have to bear
    the consequences of my choosing to remain in the confines of
    that same stupid little sandbox.

    I also recognize that there are some old dogs that seem to
    have a much harder time learning new tricks. I have little
    compassion for them.

    It's survival of the fittest. Either adapt to change, or
    risk becoming a footnote in your own book.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 10, 2004
  8. those confecting interests

    See what happens when I use a spell checker?
    Tony Tanzillo, May 10, 2004
  9. I do not know the full history of the parties you may be
    making reference to - is it possible said parties are in
    fact learning new technologies but are not yet in a state
    such that those technologies can be implemented with full
    confidence; in the interim the "old kludges", while admittedly
    inferior, still get the job done?

    I think the concept you've illuminated the most in these
    forums is the need to consider every possible facet of an
    michael puckett, May 11, 2004
  10. Jesse Danes

    Doug Broad Guest

    Great points Tony. Thanks.

    BTW: Are you advocating Objectarx or something else?
    Where's the beach? I'm ready for some surf. ;-)


    Doug Broad, May 11, 2004
  11. Jesse Danes

    Jesse Danes Guest

    Thanks John

    Its good to actually have someone offering usefull advice amidst all the
    clutter in this newsgroup.


    Jesse Danes
    Jesse Danes, May 11, 2004
  12. Jesse Danes

    Jesse Danes Guest

    I asked if you might suggest other solutions. This reply is nothing
    more than a longwinded superiority trip and veiled slander. In fact
    I've never seen a reply from you that had anything usefull or
    intelligent to say except to slander, rant, cut down or present yourself
    as the ultimate authority on all things AutoCAD. I ask only one more
    thing of you, and that is that you restrain yourself from replying to
    another one of my posts in this lifetime.


    Jesse Danes
    Jesse Danes, May 11, 2004
  13. <rubbing eyes, head shake>

    I don't get the <snicker> part, then again it's 5:25am here
    and I just got up.

    I understood Tony's post to mean that serious development
    frequently requires the use of languages or tools the
    developer does not have expertise with. If said developer
    wants to survive one has to "bite the bullet" as it were and
    acquire those skills. In this case it could be C++, in
    another it may be C#; yet in another it may be how to use
    functionality in the Windows API, using any language that
    supports that. In the absence of those skills, resorting to
    kludgy work arounds, espousing those techniques as somehow
    secret and superior, and subsequently being trapped by the
    protectionist philosophy one may exhibit as a result of
    possessing a limited skill set is what I believe he's taking
    exception to and addressing.

    But I'm sorry I don't know what "play with the big boys"



    Medic: Can we get some coffee over here?
    michael puckett, May 11, 2004
  14. Sometimes condescending, sometimes acerbic, sometimes, well enough
    of the compliments, but "nothing useful or intelligent to say"?
    Sorry, I have to disagree.

    Before you start thinking I'm going for brownie points I'm not, and
    you'll need to examine my posting history to determine that for
    yourself. Tony and I have had famous fights, sadly, right here in
    front of everyone but I've learned to just let them go. Fight again?
    Ackkk, I don't want to, but alas, we may. But I digress.

    If you remove your ego out of these discussions, and trust me, that
    is not easy, an ongoing challenge, and a indeed lesson in itself, you
    can find pearls in his discussions.
    michael puckett, May 11, 2004
  15. Ackkk, replace "out of" with "from".
    michael puckett, May 11, 2004
  16. Jesse Danes

    Jesse Danes Guest

    I should have been more clear in saying his replies to 'my posts' which
    for the handfull they have been, perdominently follow this line of
    abnoxious behaviour. For the 1-5% of usefull information that could be
    extracted from the ramaining 95-99% attitude problem, it simply isn't
    worth anyone's time, mine yours or even his. And yet he has made
    sweeping and decisive conclusions about circumstances and facts he
    really knows nothing about. What he thinks of as 'kludges' I would be
    more inclined to suggest are lack of imagination and innovation on his
    part. As nice as it might be to have the ease and luxury of using the
    'right' tools, realistically we just don't have the time schedule
    available to retrain and rewrite 20,000 lines of code.

    Simply put his attitude is just uncalled for and not needed. I learned
    a long time ago that its not how much you know that matters, because
    comparatively any one of us knows very little at all. But what's
    important is how its used and presented to others that makes all the
    difference. Making the complex simple, or presenting broad concepts
    with brief and immediate clarity. And above all, doing it with a well
    rounded and positive attitude; these are the hallmarks of wisdom and
    genius. And in all these areas he receives a very generous F. Although
    someone can be an expert on trees, they can still miss the forrest.

    Well that said I will end this post on a note of philosophical humor ...

    "If tony is speaking in a forrest and there's no one there to hear him,
    is he still abnoxious ?"


    Jesse Danes
    Jesse Danes, May 11, 2004
  17. Jesse Danes

    Jesse Danes Guest

    In thinking about it, although it made me chuckle at the time, that last
    remark about 'speaking in a forrest' was probably uncalled for as well.
    So for that i offer my apologies to the group.


    Jesse Danes
    Jesse Danes, May 11, 2004
  18. Jesse Danes

    Anne Brown Guest

    With an apology offered and rather than pick/chose/delete any
    personal references to anyone in this discussion, all messages
    were left. Equal give and take on both sides, everyone picked on
    equally. And now back to code please?
    Anne Brown, May 11, 2004
  19. Jesse Danes

    Anne Brown Guest

    Jesse -

    You are new here. Most folk posting here have been doing so from
    back when the Autodesk discussion groups were on Compuserve at
    300 baud rate and $12 an hour. Please let the occasional personal
    remarks slide by and concentrate on the code give/take. It's not
    worth replying.
    Anne Brown, May 11, 2004
  20. I advocate whatever tools are suitable to the task.

    While there's plenty of relatively simple customization
    that can be handled entirely in LISP, that's not what
    I take exception to. If LISP can do the job without the
    need for major comprimises, then by all means, use LISP.

    What ruffles my feathers is the suggestion that blowing
    away basic AutoCAD functionality like OSNAPS and so
    forth, mainly for the purpose of supporting other kludges
    (e.g., a kludge-o-rama) is somehow justifiable.

    A willingness to take LISP to extremes like displaying
    tooltips or bitmap cursor glyphs using grvecs, etc., and
    to comprimise basic AutoCAD functionality to realize all
    of the kludges, should be viewed as precisely what it is,
    a symptom of another kind of problem.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 11, 2004
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