Using Hole Table to generate holes...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by stvntylr, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. stvntylr

    stvntylr Guest

    I have hole data for holes in a flat plate (circuit board) in the form
    of x-y coordinates and diameter. Right now this is in three columns
    of an Excel spreadsheet that I extracted from Gerber files for the

    I have generated hole tables from existing holes, so there must be a
    way to go "backwards" and generate holes in a model from such a
    table. I would think that this would be a fairly common situation...

    Anyone out there know a simple way to automate hole generation this


    Steven Taylor
    Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Corporation
    stvntylr, Mar 20, 2007
  2. stvntylr

    ksmason71 Guest

    Yes, create a new .txt file but change the file extension to .sldptab
    enter your hole locations in this format
    1in 2in
    3in 4in
    6in 5in
    9in 9in

    once you do that use a table driven pattern
    browse for that file and the locations should be imported.
    You need to set up a Coordinate system (reference geometry)
    Then select your hole as the feature to be patterned, you may need to
    add the first hole manually and then just exclude that position from
    your list
    ksmason71, Mar 21, 2007
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