Using Excel instead of Access as a database

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt W, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    I'm thinking about using Excel as a database to hold some project specific
    light fixture information that will be used to create a BOM.
    The reason for using Excel would be so that other non-ACAD users can edit
    the information and then have the CAD user create the BOM in AutoCAD using

    Here's what I'm thinking...
    The light fixture has an attribute which would be the light fixture's "ID"
    tag, let's say "A1".
    There would be a corresponding row in Excel which would have A1 and then a
    description, manufacturer, etc.. which would be in different columns.
    The BOM program would iterate through all of the blocks in the drawing and
    read the ID tags, then it would search through the Excel database. If a
    matching ID tag was found in the database, it would enter the information
    into the table.

    So my questions are...
    1) Are there any drawbacks to using Excel vs Access?
    2) I know how to write to Excel from AutoCAD, but I'm not sure how I would
    go about _reading_ the information from Excel and dumping it into AutoCAD.
    I can create the table, no problem.
    3) I know how to get AutoCAD to read an Access database (records and tables)
    but I'm not sure how that would translate to Excel.

    Any pointers, links, info, code snippets anyone can provide will be

    Thanks in advance!
    Matt W, Nov 19, 2004
  2. Matt W

    Norman Yuan Guest

    See comment inline.

    It depends. How complicated is the BOM data? You probably know well the
    difference between spreadsheet and relational database. The key difference
    here maybe that in database, you do not store redundant data and the
    database can place constraint on value's uniqueness, on parent-child
    relationships, while in spreadsheet, there is no such thing to prevent
    redundant or duplicate data. As for allowing user to enter data outside
    Acad, again, you have more control if you properly design forms in Access.

    On the other hand, if the BOM data structure is not that complicated, Excel
    will do. When you put software license into consideration: if all users have
    Office standard, Excel is available, while Access only included in Office
    Professional. However, if you do not need user to enter data outside Acad,
    you can use ADO/DAO access data in *.xls/*.mdb without Access installed.
    How do you write to *.xls? Automation or ADO/DAO connection/Recordset (I
    recommend this).
    If you use ADO/DAO to read data from Access db, you only need do minor
    change to the ConnectionString to connect to *.xls file and minor change to
    your "SELECT...FROM..." SQL query statement. Search MS knowledge base or
    google "ADO & Excel", you can find lot of talks and samples on this.
    Norman Yuan, Nov 19, 2004
  3. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Okay, so if it's pretty much the same as Access, then would a sheet be the
    equivalent to a table and the columns equivalent to fields?
    If so, how do I perform a query on a sheet?
    Matt W, Nov 19, 2004
  4. Matt W

    VBA Guest

    I'm only going to say this one time, NEVER use Excel as a database!

    In fact, if at all possible [and it usually is if you think about it], never
    use Excel!
    VBA, Nov 19, 2004
  5. Matt W

    Matt W Guest


    I support two teams: The Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.

    Matt W, Nov 19, 2004
  6. Matt W

    VBA Guest

    Because Excel is not a database, it's not intended to be a database. Excel
    is perhaps the most mis-used application in the universe. Go the tables
    route, use a real database application, it's easier and more efficient.
    Trust me, you won't regret it.

    VBA, Nov 19, 2004
  7. Matt W

    HJohn Guest

    I think that can create a decent BOM system using Excel, if as mentioned here, it doesn't required any of the features of a relational database. Make sure to check which version of Excel in installed before trying to connect to it. Good luck.
    HJohn, Nov 19, 2004
  8. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Excel would basically be used as a holding area for the information since
    it's an app that a lot of people are familiar with and the information can
    be easily modified.
    Matt W, Nov 19, 2004
  9. Matt W

    Norman Yuan Guest

    Here is one of the link I suggested in previous reply:

    You can open a worksheet as a table, you also can open a range on the
    worksheet as table. Just read through the article above link pointed.
    Norman Yuan, Nov 19, 2004
  10. Hi,

    What a ridiculous comment. It has all the usefulness of a comment like:

    "Never drive a Ford"

    Why don't you try and justify it if you can?


    Laurie Comerford

    Laurie Comerford, Nov 19, 2004
  11. Matt W

    VBA Guest

    Don't say I didn't warn you!

    VBA, Nov 19, 2004
  12. Matt W

    VBA Guest

    Well, let's see - recordsets? record locking? SQL queries. The insane way
    you have to reference a value in an Excel spreadsheet should be more than
    adequate. Should I continue?

    VBA, Nov 19, 2004
  13. We have a winner ... of the most ridiculous statement of the year!

    Terry W. Dotson, Nov 19, 2004
  14. Matt W

    HJohn Guest

    I don't want to give you a wrong impression. You have to seriously consider how the BOM is going to be used, before deciding for Excel or Access. You have to look forward and think about how is the DB is going to be used and maintained, and who would do it. In addition, what importance it would it have for your company. Sometimes small computer error can cost a lot of money. Based on our experience I can tell you that people never do what they are supposed to do. It doesn't matter how many error traps and checks you put in your code, people always find ways of screwing it. If you really want to create an app. that would worth something at least use Access or MSDE.
    HJohn, Nov 19, 2004
  15. Hi,

    Totally inadequate excuse.

    The average user of Excel can use it very happily without ever having heard
    of these things.

    If you are talking about data management and programming, there may be an
    excuse not to use Exel, but that's not what you said in your post, nor was
    it necessary relating to the original query, where for most users Access or
    SQL Server or whatever are arcane and they would never be abe to manipulate
    their quoting outside of Excel.



    Laurie Comerford

    Laurie Comerford, Nov 21, 2004
  16. Correct Excel should not be used as a database program. If you read what Matt wishes to achieve though I think he has just used the wrong terminology. A spreadsheet is is fine for transferring simple data to and from AutoCAD.
    Excel is just as much a good spreadsheet application as Access is a database application. Therefore each application has its place.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Nov 22, 2004
  17. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Don't worry, I won't.
    Matt W, Nov 22, 2004
  18. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Maybe "database" was the wrong word to use. But that's essentially that's
    what it will be... a database, as defined in Webster's dictionary: a usually
    large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and
    retrieval. I don't need relations between tables/fields; I don't need
    queries; I don't need the ability to print out a report. I just need a
    place to store information that is easy to edit. If I need to, I'll place
    the information in a TXT file, which could also be called a database.
    Matt W, Nov 22, 2004
  19. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Thank you.
    It looks _very_ similar to the code I have for reading an Access DB.

    Thanks again.
    Matt W, Nov 22, 2004
  20. Yeah, HJohn makes an excellent point. I have seen tiny little utilities
    like this evolve into more complex ones. You build something marginally
    useful, and a few of your users or your boss say, "WOW, way cool. Can you
    make it do <x> too?". Having chosen a more traditional, scalable tool like
    Access, your answer is probably "Sure, no problem.". With Excel, it could
    be more like, "Uh, maybe." Next request: Access: "Yeah, sure.", Excel: "Aw
    crap, I should have used...".

    As Norm pointed out, you don't need an MS-Access license on every seat to
    use the .MDB file as a standalone backend via ADO. And you can always push
    a SQL query out to a Excel file as an editable report for those that need
    it. my2c, from a vet with 20 years of slinging data.
    John Goodfellow
    use john at goodfellowassoc dot com

    consider how the BOM is going to be used, before deciding for Excel or
    Access. You have to look forward and think about how is the DB is going to
    be used and maintained, and who would do it. In addition, what importance
    it would it have for your company. Sometimes small computer error can cost
    a lot of money. Based on our experience I can tell you that people never do
    what they are supposed to do. It doesn't matter how many error traps and
    checks you put in your code, people always find ways of screwing it. If you
    really want to create an app. that would worth something at least use Access
    or MSDE.
    John Goodfellow, Nov 23, 2004
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