using distance inquiry data

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by mobsi, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. mobsi

    mobsi Guest

    If I inquire a distance between 2 points, can I use that measurement later as a relative coordinate?

    Say I have a line of unknown length and I want to construct a rectangle with one side the same length as that line. Can I set the second point of the rectangle by entering the "measurement" in the relative coordinate dialogue? I seem to recall a string you could put in similar to %length but all the combinations I've tried do not work and the help files are no good.

    (AS 5.01)
    mobsi, Mar 2, 2004
  2. mobsi

    Harvey Guest

    Select the rectangle icon and use End Snap (type "E") to form the side of the
    rectangle right on top of the line of unknown length. After you complete the
    rectangle, select it and move it where you want leaving the original line intact.

    One side will be the unknown length. Dimension it and you have the value. V5 I
    haven't seen in a number of years, but it oughta do it.


    Harvey, always right, never wrong. Unless I am.
    Harvey, Mar 2, 2004
  3. mobsi

    Harvey Guest


    I'm afraid, as usual, you're almost right. Not completely wrong mind you, just not
    completely right.

    Having just had occasion to examine V7, it became clear that using the simple
    Rectangle tool and placing this on top of the line of unknown length using
    EndSnaps, will result in the line as the diagonal of the rectangle, not one side.
    Of course this can be dimensioned for the line length but it would not be one side.

    The correct tool is the Rotated Rectangle. Try this approach and you'll see it's
    completely correct.

    You should spend a bit more time researching these answers. Time to stop being a

    Harvey, Mar 7, 2004
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